Highlands Man Rescued By U.S. Coast Guard

Dylan Gowan. photo via facebook
Dylan Gowan, 19, of Highlands, was located off of Sandy Hook, oceanside, according the the U.S. Coast Guard-Sandy Hook Station.
Gowan was rescued by the Coast Guard at 6:30 a.m. He is on land and healthy, according to Coast Guard personnel.
Gowan was reported missing to the Highlands Police at 9:18 p.m. on Tuesday night. The Sandy Hook Coast Guard station received the report at 9:48 p.m and searched throughout the night for the young man.
An unconfirmed report shared with MMM indicated that Gowan had left Brooklyn, NY on a jetski at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday after driving to the New York borough to assist a friend who had run out of gas after riding a jetski accross the NY-NJ Habor Outer Gateway . Gowan reportedly headed back to NJ on the jetski while his friend drove the car home.
Gowan is the son of Kerry Gowan, the well know animal control officer in Middletown, Highlands and other Monmouth County towns.