Christie’s N.J. backers now donating to Jeb Bush’s 2016 campaign
WASHINGTON — State Sen. Joe Kyrillos isn’t the only supporter of Gov. Chris Christie to pitch his tent in Jeb Bush’s presidential camp. Kyrillos (R-Monmouth), a longtime Christie friend and political ally, contributed the maximum $2,700 to the former Florida governor’s presidential campaign. So have others who financially supported Christie during his two runs for governor.…
At least Bush put his state back together after several hurricanes.
The Country Club Establishment RINOs are falling over themselves and circling the wagons to protect their turf, and who better than another Country Club Establishment RINO than Jeb Bush.
Joe Kyrillos is an opportunistic snake who will get what’s coming to him in 2017 when he is beaten in the GOP primary by a Real Conservative.
All the brie-and-chablis Country Club fundraisers hosted by the likes of Woody Johnson and John Crowley can’t save Bush. Conservatives see right through him, and he’ll be political dogmeat when the GOP primaries are held in America’s Heartland.
Chris Christie will be the walking dead when he returns to New Jersey as a political lameduck. All he can do is take marching orders from Norcross/Sweeney until his term ends and he takes a job as a lobbyist for a big-time firm.