
Will Donald Trump’s rise in Republican presidential race fade?

assetContent (39)TRENTON — Donald Trump, the outspoken billionaire who caused many critics to scoff when he announced last month he was running for president, has quickly become a focal point in the crowded race for the 2016 Republican nomination. His controversial comments have flooded media coverage. His fellow candidates constantly field questions about him. And this week,…

Posted: July 19th, 2015 | Author: | Filed under: 2016 Presidential Politics, Donald Trump | Tags: , , , , , | 1 Comment »

One Comment on “Will Donald Trump’s rise in Republican presidential race fade?”

  1. Tom Stokes said at 10:30 am on July 19th, 2015:

    Trump’s greatest asset is his mouth. It is also his greatest liability.

    He can tap into Americans’ distaste of Washington politics and politicians but can the Donald really be trusted?

    He has been pro-abortion; he has contributed to Hillary Clinton’s Senate campaign, he has contributed to the Clinton Foundation. One must wonder if he is just like a typical politician – as a typical billionaire businessman buying the support of politicians like the Clintons.

    As one who has worn the uniform of our country (where one was not white, black or any other color but Olive Drab) I must say I was appalled by the Donalds’ attack on John McCain for getting shot down over Vietnam. The Donald should shut up about military service as one report in the Post shows he had five deferments from military service during the height of the Vietnam War. Since he has never worn the uniform of this country, he is the last person to criticize anyone who has had the courage to wear the uniform of our nation.

    Donald Trump is starting to look like Donald Duck.

  2. amen said at 4:16 am on July 20th, 2015:

    I agree

  3. because police ruined the word hero said at 7:40 am on July 20th, 2015:

    Reminds me of this accurate comment:

    Stop calling ticket writers “heros” when they drunk drive into a tractor trailer being driven by a hard working, minimum wage family man.
    from http://www.moremonmouthmusings.net/2015/05/14/westfield-high-school-displays-anti-cop-student-art/

    Trump has found another sore subject of the silent majority, where wveryone gets a trophy and everyone is a hero but the real heros never make the news, never get the recognition and support they’ve earned and he’s the only one willing to talk about these types of real issues that really impact American’s daily lives. Good for him.

    A Trump presidency ensures we don’t just get more of the same status quo wrapped in more carefully selected, meaningless words. I don’t agree with most of the things he says, or how he says them, but ag least it seems to be honest, genuine talk, not obvious lies and politicals marketing like Clinton does.