Monmouth Dems Meet Tonight To Nominate Their County and Legislative Candidates
The Monmouth County Democrats will hold a “mini-convention” this evening at the IBEW Local 400 Union Hall in Wall Township to formally nominate their slate of County and Legislative candidates for the June 2 primary.

Jeanne Cullinane is challenging Assembly Members Amy Handlin and Declan O’Scanlon in the 13th legislative district
MMM has learned that Hazlet Board of Education member Tom Herman will be a candidate for Assembly in the 13th legislative district, challenging incumbent Republicans Amy Handlin and Declan O’Scanlon. Joining Herman on the Democratic ticket in the 13th will be Jeanne Cullinane, also of Hazlet, a political newcomer.
Cullinane has recently shared posts on facebook that compared Republicans to Iranian terrorists and Polish people to monkeys.
Monmouth County Chairman Vin Gopal has previously announced on his blog that Neptune Township Zoning Board Member Carol Rizzo will challenge incumbent Republican Freeholder John Curley. There has been speculation that Rizzo was seperated at birth from Rumson Democratic Chairman and former Democratic candidate for Surrogate, Michael Steinhorn.
Challenging Governor Chris Christie’s nominee for County Clerk, Christine Hanlon, will be Freehold Borough Councilman Kevin Kane.
In the 11th legislative district, Neptune Township Committeeman Eric Houghtaling is slated to take on incumbent Republicans Mary Pat Angelini and Caroline Casagrande. Gopal had previously announced that workers compensation attorney Joann Downey of Freehold would join Houghtaling on the 11th district ticket, but that announcement has since been deleted from his faux news site, leading to speculation that the Chairman is still scrambling for a candidate in the only district where registration numbers indicate the Dems have a fighting chance, or that he may be a candidate himself. Gopal floated the idea of running himself last fall, and then backed down when he did not have the support of other Democratic leaders throughout the state.
Gopal is expected to defer the selection of the Assembly candidates in LD 30 and 12 to the Chairmen in Ocean County, Burlington County and Middlesex County.
Despite the fact that there are no competitive contests at the “Mini-Convention,” Gopal sent a complicated set of rules for voting to municipal Democratic Leaders last night. County Committee members are not voters at the convention. Rather, a complex formula that favors strong Democratic towns over most of the rest of the County, is being used to select voting delegates. A copy of the formula can be found here.
The public is welcome to attend the Mini-Convention as observers, according to the Monmouth Democratic website.
So, if the public is invited to attend, a couple of questions:
1) Will Art Gallagher be there?
2) Will the authors and owners of “Faux” news site be there with bags over their head, continuing to (try to) hide who they are
3) Who the hell is Carol Rizzo?
Art Gallagher will not be there. He will have undercover reporters in the room.
Art I’m usually on your side, I despise the Iranian comparison, but the ‘Polish Proverb’ one is not making any comparison at all. That’s reaching a little far there.
It is a reach, “Hey,” but not more of a reach than what Vin, his faux news site and the app did to Paul Smith.
Every now and then I stoop to their level in order to demonstrate how ridiculous they are.
Good point my friend.
I didn’t read the whole article so I am just figuring out that the Faux news site is hypocritical with regards to Cullinane.
Do I have that correct?
What a joke they are.
Well, it is a little more complicated than that, Mouse. The faux news site has no information about Cullinane other than her name.
The Dems really don’t know her well and haven’t vetted her thoroughly, having just met her in the last few weeks.
The hypocrisy is in their nominating someone who shares or likes offensive posts on social media, after the hit job they recently did on others. Glass house.
If JSI is Gopal’s fake news site, is this Golden’s fake news site? Both the same. you do GOPs bidding
Not so, Paul. There are a few important differences.
1) I have never tried to hide my biases or tried to fool the public into believing this site is something that it is not, i.e., an “objective” news site. I declare that the site is biased right in the logo.
2) I am not an employee or contractor of any Party. Candidates of both parties have advertised here. Admittedly, more Republicans advertise here than Republicans.
3) Over the years, this site’s reporting and opining has pissed off more Republicans that Democrats. The other site will always attempt to forward the Democratic agenda. That is what they are paid to do. I’m not paid to do that for Republicans, but I’m open to offers.
There are many other qualitative differences between the sites. I’m flattered, that by their own admission, they are trying to duplicate what has been accomplished here.
related to the old -rag reporter, Bob? He was a real dogged detractor of all things GOP and county, and tried desperately (unsuccessfully) to defame, demean, and otherwise destroy, not only the county GOP, but people’s lives and careers ,as well.. Be interesting to know, and, btw, what happened to Belmar Mayor Doherty running for Clerk? Miss Chris appears to be getting another gift.. looks like a banner, off- year,for the Monmouth GOP- enjoy it, 2016 is when they’ll pull out all the stops, again. Maybe Vin’s not as dumb as he seems?
You know your charges are not true. But, you obviously had to take a pot shot.
You do remember or know that Gopal and crew hid the names of the people behind JSI in an effort to pull the wool over peoples eyes, right? That was until some of us exposed the true people behind the JSI.
And the real laugh is that as of the last time I was over there they still don’t name authors to the articles. That is disingenuous at best and certainly cowardly at worst.
After all, readers deserve to know the point of view and for that matter, Art has always laid out his position. We know the people behind the NY Times, Ledger ect and their point of view. We know the point of view of Gopal and crew…
But READERS don’t know their ideological bent, and that ain’t fair.
And Art is certainly not the Chairman of the County Democrat party, which Gopal is.
Fine, if Gopal & Salonis want to write a blog, God Bless them. It’s America. But, have the backbone to stand by it and let readers know that you have a vested interest in something.
You know, it comes down to this. If you can’t trust an author or owner of a business to take pride in their business, just how proud of it are they, and why should we trust it’s content?
Mea Culpa – My comments above were meant for Paul
[…] Monmouth County Democrats held their nominating convention last Monday night at the IBEW Local 400 union hall in Wall Township. However, as of Saturday March 28, no Democratic […]
Ms. Cullinane has absolutely no relation, family, friend or acquaintance , to Bob Cullinane. I’m sure you already knew that.