Bill Baroni, Gov Christie and David Wildstein
TRENTON — Despite overwhelming bi-partisan support for a Port Authority reform bill approved in November, the state Senate today failed to override Gov. Chris Christie’s veto of the bill. After nearly an hour of impassioned debate, Senators voted 25-14 for the override, two votes short of the two-thirds majority needed to overturn the veto. State Sen.…
Kyrillos did not support his November vote–he voted against an override; Jennifer Beck DID NOT VOTE!…therefore, she did not support her November vote. What the hell is going on?
Are they supporting the personal ambitions of the governor over the taxpayers? Apparently so. So after all the disgusting revelations of Bridgegate, our “esteemed” senators feel there is no need for reform and transparency.
Hey Beck, I guess your going to get more unqualified people into the Port Authority like your aide Nick Raspanti. Don’t ever call for an end to fraud, waste, and abuse. You are the problem, not the solution!