
Amick: Could upcoming Port Authority override vote break Christie’s long veto streak?

assetContent (56)Gov. Chris Christie has a remarkable winning streak going, one unmatched by any other New Jersey governor. He’s vetoed more than 350 bills during his five-plus years in Trenton, according to a Wall Street Journal count. And, in spite of the fact that the Legislature is controlled by the Democrats, a party other than his own,…

Posted: March 10th, 2015 | Author: | Filed under: 2016 Presidential Politics, 2017 NJ Gubernatorial Politics, Art Gallagher, Chris Christie, New Jersey, NJ Senate Republicans, NJ State Legislature, Port Authority | Tags: , , , | 2 Comments »

2 Comments on “Amick: Could upcoming Port Authority override vote break Christie’s long veto streak?”

  1. Republican Senators of New Jersey Need to Support Their Original Votes! said at 9:39 am on March 10th, 2015:

    Every State Senator and Assembly person not only in New Jersey, but in New York, voted to reform the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey in the wake of the disgusting revelations of Chris Christie’s actions at the Port Authority. And its not just Bridgegate.

    Chris Christie said he would be unlike any other governor–one of complete disclosure and full of transparency. He lied!

    CC has stacked the Port Authority with more patronage, known as “executive referrals” with individuals at positions that were not publically posted to the public. These six-figured positions were doled out to people without the required qualifications. All one needed for the job, was some sort of affiliation with the Republican Party. Monmouth County has some notables that made the dubious list: Debbie Grammacioni from Wall; Nick Raspanti, former legislative aide to Jennifer Beck, who is from Red Bank. Heck, even Jennifer Beck’s ex-husband, a Republican strategist, got a job with the PA. (what the hell is that?)

    The PA is in need of serious reform to stop not only patronage, but for it to comply with transparency requirements that are in OPRA and the NYS FOIA laws. Right now, the PA does not have to comply.

    Further more, the PA can raise subway fares and Hudson River tolls–without any hearings whatsoever.

    So failure on the part of Republican senators–means they are ok with corruption, waste, taxpayer abuse, patronage, and fare hikes.

    Time will tell, where Kyrillos, Beck, Thompson and Singer–all who represent Monmouth County taxpayers–will have to say on this matter.

  2. It's called "Integrity" said at 9:44 am on March 10th, 2015:

    “There is no upside for a Republican senator to cross Christie now. There are downsides.”

    It’s called INTEGRITY!!! The senators are to do what’s right for their constituents–not the damn governor, who is sinking in local and national polls like a rock!