
Christie touts a familiar subject at CPAC

CPAC 022615

OXON HILL, Md. — There were subtle jabs at Jeb Bush and Scott Walker, but the subject New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie spent most of his time discussing at a conservative convention on Thursday was one he presumably knows best: himself. Christie touted his willingness to take unscripted questions from voters, even when that means having…

Posted: February 27th, 2015 | Author: | Filed under: 2016 Congressional elections, Chris Christie | Tags: , , | 3 Comments »

3 Comments on “Christie touts a familiar subject at CPAC”

  1. Please, said at 12:00 pm on February 27th, 2015:

    stop embarrassing yourself, and us: stop the madness, get a grip, face reality, and get OFF the national stage,now.. when one listens to Gov. Walker, ex-Gov. Perry, or really, ANY current or ex-governor, every one of them has so much more in accomplishments and actual achievements for their taxpayers, than our guy..newsflash,Sir: this isn’t about you, and your big “decision:” it’s about what would you actually DO better, to keep us safe, address the illegals madness, restore our standing with our allies, and, restore some fear/get respect out of our enemies,repeal and replace Obamacare, make us energy independent, help to not kill business,get people working and off the programs, reform and reduce our taxes, cut spending and our crushing deficits and debt,and get back to the Constitution and protecting, not limiting,our liberties??.. this has to stop- you have 2 more years, to finally get something done in NJ, to lift us off the bottom of all the lists..we have seen others adopt the “go higher to get away” philosophy: if ya screw up on one level, it’s guaranteed you won’t do any better moving on up! Enough!

  2. @Please said at 9:14 am on February 28th, 2015:

    did I miss the memo stating he’s now running for President?

    I Think Not, so no need to discuss those issues, now is there.

    So Chill out,

  3. @@Please said at 8:12 am on March 1st, 2015:

    Well, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck. CC has never said he was not running for president. Perhaps he should stay in NJ and govern like a governor!