TRENTON — The private law firm hired by Gov. Chris Christie in the wake of the George Washington Bridge lane closings billed taxpayers $7.46 million last year, causing total payouts to private law firms by the state Attorney General’s Office to increase for the fourth-straight year. The numbers, released late today to NJ Advance Media in…
This amount (and still rising I’m sure) could have built a hospital, a school, a prison, etc—something to benefit society; yet, this amount benefits Christie and his “friends.”
Where are our Republican representatives? Why aren’t they calling for a cap on some of these charges?
How much are the Trenton/National Democrats spending to pursue every possible avenue of investigation, legitimate or not? If every crackpot Democrat and half-assed “media” outlet across the county had your name at the top of the take down list, and you honestly believed you had done nothing wrong, you would spend as much as you can defending yourself from defamation, libel and slander as well. If as much money and time was dedicating to taking down Corzine, he’d be in a federal prison somewhere.
@Wait a second….If it were not for the actions of Christie’s aides and appointees there would be no investigations so don’t blame “crackpot Dems”……they can look in the mirror if they want someone to blame…All Christie has to do is tell the truth….not sure why it cost $7.5 million of taxpayer $$ to a politically connected law firm for him to do that.
Afterall, Christie was cleared by his friend’s law firm, Randy Mastro. It should be noted that Mastro failed to interview the key players in this “investigation,” while still exonerating Christie.
This man is a disgrace. Steve Lonegan warned us about his corruption in 2009, with sweetheart deals and no-bid contracts to his pals, cronies and campaign contributors when he was US Attorney. Conservatives sold themselves and their principles for a Phyrric victory in 2009. Now we are paying the price, literally.
No More RINOS in 2016 or 2017!
Bayshore, you are a disgrace with your repetitive, childish and copy and paste style comments.
And stop talking about Lonegan as if he were a God. For the most part, many of his ideas are good, but he lost because he didn’t know how to sell them. Get over it whiner.
@” It should be noted that Mastro failed to interview the key players in this “investigation,” while still exonerating Christie.”
Which “key players” were never interviewed? Nothing close to the failure of Clinton’s ARB in the Libyan consulate destruction.
And it has to be noted that U.S. Attorney, in no way a crony of Christie, has announced the dropping of his lengthy but totally unproductive acivities in this case. As posted here several times in recent weeks. But who can be bothered with dealing with indisputable facts when grinding axes so furiously.
Obviously, you have not been following the case. What key players have not been interviewed you say? Here we go: Stepien, Baroni, Samson, Kelly, Wildstein, “Chip” Michaels, members of the Port Authority Police. Happy??? How can you “exonerate” the governor, when these KEY players weren’t interviewed?
This investigation is still ongoing. And it’s going to yield very ugly results for these people, mentioned above. It remains unclear whether the governor is involved–but with all his people knowing about it–and CC being a micromanager–its hard to dispel him.
The Liberal Witch $$ making Hunt …..How much money did the Liberal attorneys make off this witch hunt? How much did the Loretta Whiner &
John Wishforanewsstoryski and their cronies make off this? That’s the multi-million dollar question
@Whiners…..so there are firings, resignations, people taking the 5th and likely indictments and that equals a “liberal witch hint” in your alternate reality????…There would be no investigations if Christie aides and appointees did not intentionally chose to inflict harm on NJ residents to apparently extract political revenge….try putting the blame where it belongs not on the people trying to find the truth as to what happened and why.
@Dumbo Liar:
If and when (highly doubtful) you ever get your facts right, be sure to post them right here. I checked just one name that you said had not been interviewed and your statement is nothing short of a baldfaced lie:
“Obviously, you have not been following the case. What key players have not been interviewed you say? Here we go: Stepien, Baroni, Samson, Kelly, Wildstein, “Chip” Michaels, members of the Port Authority Police. Happy??? How can you “exonerate” the governor, when these KEY players weren’t interviewed?”
“David Wildstein Meets With Prosecutors in Christie Bridge Probe
By Lisa Brennan | April 6, 2014 11:07 pm
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s former point man at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey “was camped at the U.S. Attorney’s office” in Newark last week meeting with federal prosecutors investigating the George Washington Bridge lane closings, according to one of several people close to the case.
David Wildstein, who has said he informed Christie of the lane closings on Sept. 11 as they were happening, spent several days at New Jersey U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman’s office in Newark, the people said. Neither Fishman’s spokeswoman nor Wildstein’s attorney would confirm the talks.” Truth is a bitch, ain’t it? Let’s see you come up with conclusive statements about the others who were supposedly not interviewed.
do you know what your children do 24/7 or do you trust. As an employer you do the same, trust employess to do their job & to do the right thing.
Obviously and proven, Christie was not part of the games the youngsters participated in. It is what it is.
Move on, people are sick of the liberals making a mountain out of a mole hill. Except when it’s a liberal involved; Ie: Bengazi, Menedez prostitutes, Pallone makings millions as a Congressman, The Democrats in Trenton holding back on tax cuts it’s swept under the rug. Yet Traffic is a catastrophe to the liberals- yet traffic is no stranger to every NJ and NY resident outside of Lodi and Whinebergs town,. every commuter waits at the GWB , the Lincoln and Holland Tunnels yet they spend millions trying to create and blame Governor for something that does not exist.
The fact is this: The Democrats are afraid Christie will Run for President, so they are trying everything in their power to discredit and place doubt about him. The worse part is when Republicans start to believe the liberal game. I have news for you, Christie is the only Republican that can win should he decide to run for President and you’d best hope he does. If he runs you better vote for him, because if he is not elected by Republicans to head the ticket, and you pick anyone else, mark my words: you will have another 8 years of Democrats and socialism will be the norm in America. Christie is the only one who can win across the nation against a Democrat.
@”people taking the 5th and likely indictments and that equals a “liberal witch hint” in your alternate reality????…There would be no investigations if Christie aides and appointees did not intentionally chose to inflict harm on NJ residents to apparently extract political revenge….try putting the blame where it belongs”
Who invoked the Fifth Amendment and where? Indictements for what are “likely?”
Why didn’t you change your underwear today?
Only harm being done to NJ residents is from NJ Wacky tax- loving liberals like yourself.