Of the nearly 75,000 flood-insurance claims that New Jersey homeowners filed in the aftermath of Sandy, FEMA says that the National Flood Insurance Program had paid 58,055 policyholders a total of $3.9 billion as of early last month. But 6,532 claims were rejected and closed without payment, and throughout the region, some 1,500 cases remain bogged…
Right on the mark! I have 3 houses devastated by Sandy (1 primary residence and 2 rentals all located next to each other ) All are small, all were fully insured.
5ft of water in the houses and we received <50% of our coverage, <60 % of contents coverage. They disputed my engineering reports, denied my appeals.
They give you what they give you and you have no choice.
We don't have $$ for a private adjuster or lawyer. But, after reading this artocle, I guess it still wouldn't have made a difference.
they did not under stand that the insurance policy’s that they purchased. were sold to them by thieves and whores. who wrote the policy’s so they would never have to pay full value. welcome to the insurance business they are not your friends your buddies. like in the commercials they are tantamount to criminals! and the government does not care they get their cut!