
Republicans don’t want Christie to run for president, say Bush and Romney should, poll says

assetContent (27)WASHINGTON — Republicans would rather have former governors Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush and Mike Huckabee seek their 2016 presidential nomination than current Gov. Chris Christie, according to a CBS News poll. Just 29 percent of Republicans surveyed said they wanted to see Christie seek the White House, while 44 percent said they wanted him to stay…

Posted: January 19th, 2015 | Author: | Filed under: 2016 Congressional elections, Chris Christie | Tags: , | 5 Comments »

5 Comments on “Republicans don’t want Christie to run for president, say Bush and Romney should, poll says”

  1. Jim Granelli said at 11:08 am on January 19th, 2015:

    Now that’s interesting.

    Christie’s pluses and minuses aside, Republicans want a retread that lost or the third leg of a dynasty.


  2. Christie Is Done! said at 1:06 pm on January 19th, 2015:

    He is done. Everyone knows it but him. He had a great run his first year, and its been downhill ever since.

    Perhaps Christie should just sit down and shut up!

  3. The Bayshore Bulldog said at 9:57 pm on January 19th, 2015:

    Christie, Romney, Bush, and the rest of those squishy soft-on-socialism RINOs don’t have a chance against Tea Party Patriots like Ted Cruz, Sarah Palin and Rick Santorum.

  4. Hope 3 RINO failures said at 10:08 pm on January 19th, 2015:

    in a row, has awakened the establishment of the party: no Conservative this time, more socialism, debt, and terrorism. Period.

  5. @ Gene Hoyas said at 8:20 am on January 20th, 2015:

    AKA Bayshore Bull Puppy.

    NOTE: None of those three will be President.