UPPER FREEHOLD – A proposed New Jersey Natural Gas pipeline that would cut through several Burlington, Monmouth and Ocean county towns is facing opposition from residents who say the project poses a risk to public safety and the environment. New Jersey Natural Gas is still determining the final route for a 28-mile, 30-inch transmission line as…
NIMBYITIS strikes.
I wonder if these same people will complain if there was a supply disruption. The truth is that pipelines are far safer than other methods of delivery. Accidents rare.
Gas is one of the cleanest power sources around, it needs to grow. And yet, another roadblock. Fine, take some time to do “due diligence” but you can’t withhold progress without further damage to job growth and the economy.
Same with Keystone. We want the low energy prices, but don’t you dare put it in my backyard.
Check that Families for a Responsible Pipleline website above.
I wouldn’t call this totally NIMBY, if you review the route, it shows the pipe going down a residential street with a cul de sac, and a 30″ or 36″ pipe that close to homes is not prudent. There are other routes on wider roads like County Roads that have wider set backs for houses, etc. or route it via existing ROWs, these are options being advocated. Furthermore, most folks that live on this route don’t even have Natural Gas, it isn’t being offered, so that speaks to whether they worry about supply disruption, as they aren’t getting any natural gas to begin with!