TOMS RIVER — The state plans to spend most of the half billion dollars in Hurricane Sandy recovery funding allocated to New Jersey in the final round of aid from the federal government on affordable rental housing programs and grants for people who want to rebuild. But residents who spoke at a public hearing today in…
Posted: January 7th, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: Christie Administration, Hurricane Sandy, RREM, Superstorm Sandy | Tags: Christie Administration, RREM, RREM grants, Superstorm Sandy | 1 Comment »
please: how much more of other peoples’ money are we supposed to dedicate to these programs? Do folks realize we are paying, for over two years, now, for other peoples’ rents and mortgages, as we scrape to keep up with our own? Believe me, as a native shore resident, no one cried more than I,with and for, those who chose to build/ live right on the coastline.. That being said: when the powers-that- be arrive at a big number for distribution, largely for more votes, frankly, remember, it’s the rest of us,who might live a block or a mile or a half hour, from those washed- away dunes, who are keeping them going: guys: do the math: if this next number breaks down to all the rest of the sadly-affected people, and they may get $ 150,000 or so,for a property that may have been worth,say, a million or more- so, what does that really mean? It means, over and above what they may have gotten from their own insurance, that it just probably isn’t enough, to go back to their former lifestyle- so, again, how much more, are we all supposed to give, to help them get back there?? Will we ever get a grip on reality, in NJ? I have to doubt it.