
Christie Pushed Port Authority To Award Deal To Jerry Jones’ Firm

assetContent2Less than two years before Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones paid for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s tickets and travel to NFL games, government documents show Christie personally pushed the Port Authority to approve a lucrative contract for a firm part-owned by Jones. Christie nonetheless accepted the gifts from Jones, despite New Jersey ethics rules barring…

Posted: January 6th, 2015 | Author: | Filed under: 2016 Presidential Politics, Chris Christie, Port Authority | Tags: , , , , , | 3 Comments »

3 Comments on “Christie Pushed Port Authority To Award Deal To Jerry Jones’ Firm”

  1. jrsmith said at 10:09 am on January 6th, 2015:

    Christie should RESIGN.

  2. Christie has no ethical Boundaries said at 12:51 pm on January 6th, 2015:

    Day after day doesn’t go by without damaging stories about this man. What is further troublesome, our Republican legislators will never speak out or stand by their original votes and override any of his vetoes.

    A big override is scheduled to override his veto to make the Port Authority more accountable and transparent. What legislator would vote against that??

    A failure to override CC’s veto is a vote for continued corruption at the PA.

  3. It is time said at 3:04 pm on January 6th, 2015:

    for all the remaining pipe-dreamers, (including the man himself,) to abandon ANY talk or plans of a Presidential run: the messes get more complicated and widespread by the day: we must demand better, we must face reality: he should either come home and tend to this, the fastest-evacuating state, or just resign, and go back to a big law firm: it’s O V E R.. period..