TRENTON — Former Republican National Committee finance chairman Mel Sembler says he’s “admirer” of Gov. Chris Christie. But Sembler is lining up behind former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush in the 2016 Republican presidential race. Had Bush ruled out a run, “I absolutely would have looked at Christie. I’m an admirer,” Sembler said in a telephone interview.…
Posted: December 16th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2016 Presidential Politics, Chris Christie, Jeb Bush | Tags: 2016 Presidential politics, Chris Christie, Jeb Bush | 3 Comments »
Bush nor Christie will be the nominee. And if Bush does manage to end up getting it, the Republicans will lose again.
Gov. While I don’t want either one of them for 2016, Jeb certainly did a better job in Fla. than Christie has done here- if there is any hope of trying to fix the messes in NJ, and save the Rep. legislators we have next year, our Guv needs to hang it up and get something done here, now.
You are so right. Christie has burned a lot of bridges in New Jersey. Many of his long time supporters have had it with him kissing the butts of the Democrats while ignoring the people who worked to get him where he is today. He is way behind in every national poll so he better make amends with his base in New Jersey. We’re all he’s got.