PHILADELPHIA — Well this isn’t going to help Gov. Chris Christie win any votes in the Garden State. Christie was seen sitting with Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones during the Eagles’ game on Sunday night, a move will not go over well with Eagles fans. Here is the photo of Christie taking in the game with…
At a minimum (deserving or not), Christie fell several pegs in my eyes. While I try not to mix my personal sports feelings into the real world called life, I ‘ve to admit I felt like puking when I saw those shots. I truly wouldn’t sit or be near Jerry Jones for anything except if it meant mankind benefitted (and even then it would be a challenge).
What’s funny is that Eagles “fans” are just catching on to this now. Idiots.
And by that I meant they are just catching on to him being a Cowboys fan.
Basic your vote on sports fan choices? Yes, yes you are clearly an Eagles fan bases upon that display of intellect.
What makes Ed Rendell think he can criticize another person’s choice of sports team? Rendell is from NY, so by his own logic he should be a Jets or Giants fan. Actually, now that makes sense, he was probably a Jets fan and when he moved to PA, he dumped one loser team for another.
Um…who cares? & why should Eagles fans care? They’re from Philly, not NJ. Let the guy like whatever team he wants. We don’t all have to drink the Giants kool aid around here.