Tinton Falls Leaders Endorse Burry and Rich for Freeholder

Tinton Falls Mayor Gerry Turning, Freeholder Director Lillian Burry and Tinton Falls Council President Gary Baldwin
Tinton Falls Mayor Gerry Turning and Council President Gary Baldwin threw their support behind Monmouth County Freeholder Director Lillian Burry and Deputy Director Gary Rich in the Freeholder’s bid for reelection next Tuesday.
“Monmouth County has been Tinton Falls partner in controlling the cost of government and in revitalizing our economy in the wake of the great recession and the closure of Fort Monmouth. Lillian and Gary has been right there in the lead,” Turning said. “I have worked with Lillian at Fort Monmouth and with Gary on solutions for the homeless. They are great people who are tremendously committed with a great work ethic. I find them very committed and deserving of reelection.”
“I’ve served with Lillian for many years. She is a passionate, outspoken and honest young lady,” Baldwin said. “There is no question in my mind that she is best qualified to continue leading our county government. As a member of the Veterans Affairs Sub-committee at Fort Monmouth, Lillian always fights for the rights and well being of our Veterans.” Baldwin, a retired Air Force Captain with 26 years of service, serves with Burry on the Fort Monmouth Veterans Affairs Committee.
Turning’s support of Burry and Rich is a blow to the Monmouth County Democrats who have been attempting to ride the Mayor’s coat tails to electoral success in the Borough since his uncontested election last November. Monmouth Democratic Chairman Vin Gopal took credit for for Turning’s election last year, which amused the Mayor who ran unopposed. Democratic Freeholder Candidates Larry Luttrell and Joe Grillo touted Turning’s support last June in a fundraising announcement.
“I really don’t know them,” Turning said of Luttrell and Grillo this afternoon. “But it doesn’t matter. Lillian and Gary are doing a great job and I hope they get to continue.”
Turning is a registered Democrat. Baldwin is a Republican. Tinton Falls has a non-partisan municipal government.
Did you get Vin,s comment on this?
Have not seen much of Freeholder Burry at monthly FMERA meetings recently where she supposed to be the Freeholder rep on that board. As a matter of fact she has missed 5 out of the last 6 monthly meetings including the last three in a row. On October 15 she choose to attend a political fundraiser staring Geraldo Rivera ahead of doing her job and representing the people of Monmouth County at the October FMERA meeting. I live in a town (Eatontown) that was devastated by the closing of the Fort (as was the entire County) and prefer to have a Freeholder on the FMERA board that takes FMERA meeting attendance seriously……she can’t make 1 meeting a month and wants our vote???? No wonder the APP questioned (at the same time it endorsed her running mate) “her grasp of the facts” regarding Fort Monmouth Redevelopment. That’s what being MIA at meetings will do for you.
The APP is not a reliable fact checking source, Bob.
Did Director Burry send anyone to the FMERA meetings in her stead? What has been her attendance record over 8 years on the two Fort Monmouth authorities?
More important than her attendance record, what has she accomplished?
Why should voters listen to you instead of Mayor Turning or Council President Baldwin?
Please answer my questions before going off on a tangent.
no one has fought harder for a vets clinic, and is still fighting for housing there for homeless vets, than Lillian. Under her and that board’s leadership, more than 30 proposals are bring looked at for proper re- development as well-at least 2 solid contracts are signed: don’t you want competition, and positive growth, there? Under her and the county’s leadership, which stretches long before this miserable campaign, we now have a lovely recreational site there, for use by urban and other surrounding towns, dozens of good programs are already happening . We now have a good highway facility there, serving the eastern part of the county. The entire freeholder board has encouraged local small businesses who suffered when their fort customers left, to do business with the county, and some are today. So, again, these shallow, surface criticisms and overblown, incorrect assumptions have proven these two to be as uninformed as they are dishonest,and bereft of any new or better ideas. Glad their power brokers wasted so much money this year, on their two sorry butts! Hopefully we will be able to say buh- bye to them for good, next Tuesday.
Art. You have to be kidding. Burry is even hated by her fellow Republicans. She is a corrupt “old” lady who has en”riched” herself and her friends on the public’s dime for years. She can try to hide but she is personally responsible for the Lucas debacle. She is curt, condescending, dismissive, has used the office of Freeholder for years to promote her agenda of cronyism. Anyone would be preferred over her. She expects to be treated like the queen she thinks she is.
So in your political hack mind, you think that poor attendance is acceptable.
Well, lookee here.
Another anonymous HACK who makes personal attacks on Freeholder Burry yet hides behind a computer screen posting tin foil hat conspiracy theories.
“Burry hated by her fellow Republicans.”
Why don’t you supply proof of that?
That’s all YOU are, the real hack, tasking yourself with cowardly anonymous hatchet jobs.
Or, is it the same old person, posting the same old tired Democrat talking points.
No debate intended here, will not respond back and forth anymore with an anonymous coward.
Just calling it as I see it.