39th Annual NJ Friends of Clearwater’s CLEARWATER FESTIVAL

Honoring Our Founder, Pete Seeger 1919-2014
Free! One Day Only! Free!
Clearwater Festival Located at:
The Great Lawn, at the Promenade
Click Above Link for Directions
Founded by Pete Seeger & Bob Killian in 1974
Over 25 Top Local and National Acts
On 3 Stages, including:
J.T. & Bleeders, The May Darlings,
The Wag, O’Neill and Martin Band,
& Poppa John Bug
Circle of Song
Sharleen Leahey, Jim Crawford,
Joe Petraitis, Isis & Her Tribe, Jan Christensen,
Dale Lakata, and Ingrid Heldt
Urban & Workplace Leaders Discuss Environmental and Health Injustices Which Disproportionately Affect the Young, Old, Poor & People of Color in NJ
Handicapped Accessible
Bring Your Own Blankets and Chairs
Prime Locations Still Available on Promenade:
Urgent Funding Appeal for the
NJ Friends of Clearwater Festival:
Urgent Funding Appeal for the
NJ Friends of Clearwater Festival:
dit cards.
I could never figure out why the county gives money to this.
One year I took video there to show it is he most rabidly partisan gathering at the shore.
The songs bash Republicans, the booths all have anti-Republican paraphernalia and the issue is not limited to environmentalism, rather they press all the usual leftist flak like pro-abortionism and the like.
The place is filled with Democrat voter registration drives too.
If Lois Lerner wanted the IRS to find something that should not be a non-profit because of its blatant partisan electioneering, she need look no further than these Clearwater people.
you are right about the Bradley Cove issue- turned-fiasco, and exactly right,now.. This bunch has always been a bunch of s-stirring libs, disguised under a title the UN- knowing can get behind.. And the politicians have always been terrified to be painted as “anti-ocean” Republicans, hence the money to pay libs to register and turnout Dems to vote to flip it in their faces.. They have not been above falsely personally attacking and trying to ruin peoples’ careers ,too- just another service they provide. I’ll pay for my badge and go to my beach, without their nonsense, seriously.