Dueling Endorsements for Monmouth GOP Chairman
All five members of the Freehold Township governing body endorsed John Bennett for a second term as Chairman of the Monmouth County Republican Committee.

Freehold Township Committee Members Eugene B. Golub, Thomas L. Cook, Mayor David M. Salkin, Deputy Mayor Anthony J. Ammiano, and Barbara J. McMorrow
In a press release sent to MMM and posted on Bennett’s facebook page, Mayor David Salkin, Deputy Mayor Anthony Ammiano, and Township Commitee Members Thomas Cook, Eugene Golub, PhD and Barbara McMorrow said,
We are supporting John Bennett for a second term as Chairman of the Monmouth County Republican Committee.
We urge the Republican County Committee membership to please do the same at the June 10th
convention.Chairman Bennett has made fund-raising a top priority, and contributions to the Party have increased 52% in the last two years! John has also made great strides in making political resources more readily available to local
candidates and Committee Chairmen. When he ran two years ago, John made a promise to keep our County Party headquarters open and staffed full time. He has done that, and County Party resources are more available to local Chairmen and candidates now than ever before. Whenever we have asked for help from the Freehold office, we have received it.We feel that John Bennett has performed well in building our Party and has a proven record for the past two years of winning elections in November.
The Monmouth County Republican Committee has fought hard and come a long way in the last few years. We
have momentum and we should build on that progress. We need a vigilant and experienced Chairman at the helm.Please stand with us to re-elect John Bennett, and keep the Monmouth County Republican Party moving forward
toward further unity and success.
Spring Lake Republican Chairman Michael Mattia penned a letter to all Members of the Monmouth County Republican Committee on behalf of the Spring Lake Committee Members endorsing Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden for Chairman. Mattia’s letter was posted in Golden’s facebook page and his website.
In the social media campaign, Golden appears to be edging Bennett on facebook, with 298 “Likes” to the Chairman’s 224, as of 7PM this evening. Golden has 405 followers on twitter. Bennett does not appear to be using twitter.
Golden submitted nominating petitions with signatures from over 130 county committee members to Monmouth GOP Headquarters. Bennett was taken off guard by Golden’s petitions because he felt they were not required under the By-Laws that he wrote.
Bennett told MMM that he believes that nominating petitions were only necessary under the By-Laws for candidates for elected public seeking the County Party’s nomination, not for candidates for a Party office. Never-the-less, Bennett and Vice-Chairwoman Susan Cohen collected 29 or 30 signatures from 4PM on Monday through 4PM on Tuesday.
” I can assure you that every County Committee Member who signed our petition knew what they were signing,” Bennett said. Asked to elaborate, Bennett suggested that some of Golden’s 130+ signers might have thought they were signing a sign-in sheet at one of Golden’s breakfasts. “It really doesn’t matter,” Bennett said, “Shaun had way more signers than the 40 needed, if they were needed. He did a wonderful job collecting them.”
Sniping at the 130 signatures Shaun got. The problem is that John Bennett does not know how to run a positive campaign.
I full well know what I was signing when asked, and how come you don’t have breakfast meetings Chairman Bennett?
You won’t, you can’t because you have no vision to run on.
That aside, doesn’t it bother anyone that Bennett doesn’t know his own bylaws, or that the by laws are not clear enough for others to understand?
Where’s Shaun getting the money for the breakfasts? I wonder. And @typical slime, how sad is it that you’re fixated on free breakfast? For God’s sake go get an egg
Mc muffin; they’re cheap enough and you don’t have to sell out your vote to someone who can’t hold the position
If Shaun did not get the signatures, would John Bennett have found a way to contest his candidacy?
“You betcha”
What, are you “stuck on stupid?”
OBVIOUSLY, you have no clue how grass roots politics works, and how that wins elections. Here, let me help you:
grass roots
pl.n. (used with a sing. or pl. verb)
1. People or society at a local level rather than at the center of major political activity. Often used with the.
2. The groundwork or source of something.
This is how elections are won on all levels and how candidates (and Chairmen should) meet with the people (County Committee people) that do the job of politics.
What, you have never heard of the “rubber chicken circuit?”
You need to get a political education and a life. Low information people like you are dangerous.
But, unfortunately, Bennett has overseen a weakening of the County Committee system, the people who are supposed to be working to get out the vote.
However, Shaun is willing to go out and talk with the people, something that Bennett is obviously too scared to do.
Funny though, it’s interesting that you seem to condone Bennett’s nasty comment about how many signatures Shaun got.
But then, you (hmmmm, like a lot of liberals interestingly) like to throw out distractions in an attempt to “inoculate” Bennett from his own failures.
The real question YOU should be asking is “why is John Bennett too afraid to meet with County Committee people and express his vision?”
The answer? John has no vision, except of tax payer $ going into his pocket.
As to who is paying for the breakfasts?
I am sure there are legal contributions, or maybe Shaun is paying for it.
“What difference does it make?”
All you want to do is create a conspiracy where nothing exists instead of answer for John Bennett’s failures.
Sad, so very sad.
@ Typical
@typical, not sure how productive Shaun’s breakfasts are when he reads from a script and refuses to answer questions. He’s ducking Bennett’s debate challenge for the second straight day. There’s your leader. I could not care less about the signatures; what I care about is his ability to serve. The Ethics law indicates he can’t, and neither he nor his supporters have been able to show otherwise. That’s the real issue, and while all the snarkiness can be fun, it shouldn’t overshadow the fact that he’s not going to hold the position very long if he wins. As for the weakening of the County committee, bennett filled more seats than his predecessors, and contributions are much higher, 52% higher in fact.
Sure, use a snipe at Shaun’s speaking skills when I blow you out of the water over your (wrong) perception of the importance of breakfast meetings. Maybe you are just jealous that John Bennett is not holding such and you can’t get your free meal.
Tell me, where you actually at one of Shaun’s breakfasts; or are you just using John Bennett’s talking points?
In other words, using simple speak; can you guarantee me that Shaun is “reading from scripts and not taking questions?”
Of course not you silly goose.
No one has shown me that the ethics laws says he can’t.
Please quote and show me, and then bring me a judicial opinion.
Again with the conspiracy theories about how long he will serve. Hell, I can’t guarantee what will happen tomorrow, so how can you guarantee what will happen in the future.
BTW, talk about snarkiness, your pen name is the epitome of it.
Forgot to add, talk about negative campaigning, you learned well at Bennett’s feet.
Now, tell me more about Bennett’s vision, his plans; and why didn’t the weakling enforce the deal he made with Costigan to step down as a municipal chair.
1) No real experience running political organization at all. He showed up 5 years ago without any experience.
2) His own town a mess and he did nothing to help fix it. He sat it out and did not want to be involved. He did not have the “balls” to lead.
3) He is terribly conflicted as county wide elected official that wants to be party-boss. Can you say ethics charges to follow in the future, blowing up in our face?
4) He was the chief engineer that led failed coupe to dump a popular sitting Freeholder, Gary Rich, with an unqualified, over the top 3x loser, Bobby Walsh. The failed coupe once again caused division and disharmony in the ranks that he fostered and led; after lying to Gary’s face.
5) He has messes in his own department by hiring triple dippers on the tax-payer dime.
6) He has not political loyalty to anyone or anything. Only to himself and will stab anyone in the back —- or in the chest — to further his own selfish causes.
7) He wants to turn over the County political machine over to a handful of the big towns and return to the old days where you had to be from a big town to be anybody.
8) He wants to dole out more county jobs to people when he is conflicted.
9) He plans to use the sheriff’s office and county chairman’s job to be a “de-facto” County Executive; a role not allowed under this county form of government.
10) He will/plans to use chair to build chips and topple sitting outstanding Congressman Chris Smith in 2 years. As chairman he can give himself the line and dump Smith, a supremely competent Congressman.
Should we go on? This is just bad for the County and the Party and it needs to stop. I barely know Bennett but I know he has won elections, raised money and restored sanity. Just because Golden Boys says its “his time” does not entitle him to anything.
The facts don’t lie. He should end his candidacy and work with Bennett and learn the ropes and perhaps succeed Bennett wen he steps aside.
Yeah, you’ve proved that you can cut, paste and copy like a kindergartner, now; when are you going to start answering the questions about your pig at the public trough; starting with:
1) Why is it good that Bennett wants all campaign money flowing into the county treasury instead of letting candidates raise funds individually?
Bennett is sounding like Nucky Thompson of Boardwalk Empire
2) How do you feel about Bennett being such a weak chair that he let Costigan renege on a deal to step down as Municipal Chair when he became a State Committeeman?
After all, you are the one complaining about the mess in Howell. Maybe a new chairman would have solved that?
3) Mr. Bennett seems to be the real “pig at the public trough” funneling legal work here, picking up jobs there.
4) Countless complaints have been heard about the inefficiency of the County Executive Director. Care to comment about that?
It sure seems Bennett is the one ethically challenged.
I’ve answered and swatted down your charges several times, like I swatted down little Shire Reeve above.
And have guts enough to answer the question. Are you a County Committee person?
Until then, no one takes you seriously as you just copy and paste like a school kid.
Shire Reeve of the land and title on thee Two River and his damsel in distress in the ivory tower of County Purchasing. What a great pair of mudslingers for the lord Bennett who dost not triple dip. For you cannot triple dip when you take the whole public trough.
What say yee Kingmaker? Thy chairman didn’t quite get thy Kingmaker on the Board of Elections as planned but thy loyalty still exists!
Here is a video for everyone commenting on this blog recently about the Monmouth GOP Chairman’s race, I think you guys would like it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DksSPZTZES0
You are either team “statu quo res erant ante bellum” or team “we want that change thingy.” How about this….how about everyone try voting based on merit and ideas for a chance instead of who you owe your “allegiance” too?
I mean seriously, with the mudslinging stuff, it has gotten pretty old. When the Monmouth Dems start using your own words against you, have fun because you gave them the fodder. I have seen high school elections that are more respectful.
Explain the importance of breakfast meetings to me again, especially when the would be chairman doesn’t actively participate. That’s not really helpful for the party. I’ve been at a breakfast and am clearly unimpressed. In terms of the ethics law, you’re not the one who needs to be persuaded, it’s the state. And the whole point of it is that there is no decision that addresses the propriety. The last two times sheriffs tried it, it did not work out. What kind of leader wants to be a test case when they could have just asked for an advisory opinion and been done with it? That’s the whole point – you don’t just do something questionable and hope it works out okay; you take action ahead of time.
And what’s with you constantly gnawing on costigan’s bone? Not sure what traction you think you get for it, other than trying to deflect from the real issue here. I’m going to start calling you Thurston Howell because Howell is clearly where you’re from.
Finally, I think that naming myself Robin Hood would have been the epitome of snarkimess, not shire reeve.
If Shaun wants to lead, he should have taken the reins on the ethics act issue, should take questions at the breakfasts, and should absolutely accept the challenge to debate. Let him run over Bennett with his fresh ideas about how to win elections.
And to @county work – love the stilted language; that’s the kind of funny snarkiness that I like. It seems relatively good natured. But do yourself a favor and check your facts. There’s one firm out there that billed the county six figures last year and is on track to do the same this year. A number of attorneys from that firm are very active in the party and are -gasp- golden supporters!
“Explain the importance of breakfast meetings to me again”
Obviously he has no clue as to the value of networking and grass roots work, as explained elsewhere with a definition. So, you are worthless to the party effort.
Next, Costigan’s bone is an example of how weak Bennett is.
You know Shire, you are just like little Timmy H. Broken records that keep on squeaking. And each time you get swatted down.
Finally, we get to the real issue.
“And the whole point of it is that there is no decision that addresses the propriety.”
So then, you admit that it is LEGAL for him to hold both titles.
Networking with other republicans? Really? That’s what you think wins elections? Good God are we in trouble.
And in terms of the ethics law, not having a decision doesn’t make it legal; it makes Shaun the test case if he wins. You understand that a situation can obviously violate a statute even without a decision to that effect, right? And if it is so cut-and-dried permissible, as you seem to think, then why didn’t he get an advisory opinion pursuant to NJSA 40A:8-22.8? The law allows him to get one, he didn’t do it. Instead, he’s ignoring it.
Ah, yeah. Duhhhhh.
Grass Roots and working with other people works. Finding out what works, learning from others, passing on your ideas.
How stupid can you be?
Being that stupid makes your other comments meaningless.
If you don’t already know what works, you’re never going to make a difference. Donations, smart leadership, and knowing how to deploy the funds is what really wins elections. Saying that “moar breakfastses” will win elections is short sighted. If Shaun doesn’t already have a vision for what he will do, other than “hashtags and hash browns”, then that’s another strike against his leadership. You can attack all you want, but deflecting doesn’t fix the weaknesses.
In reading this back and forth it is clear that you are trying to make up for lack of experience and ethical conflicts by simply mudslinging. I also went to the last breakfast and Shaun would not take questions. You really think that someone with 5 years experience in total could do better than someone who has been in the trenches for more than 45 years?? No one would subject the Party to this type of scrutiny if he really had the part’s best interest in mind. This is why Oxley waited until he was no longer Sheriff. Bennett wins elections, Shaun has no experience and holding both positions creates an unessary problem for the Freeholders.
Bennett had more door knocks and phone calls done(on behalf of Shaun by the way) last year than any other election EVER in the history of Monmouth County. And people are seriously on here complaining that Bennett doesn’t do grassroots? Do you people not know the facts or are you just too lazy to do your homework?
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[…] in a county that leans right but is also always in danger of swinging left. This Wednesday, Freehold’s officials backed Bennett while Spring Lake’s committee chairman endorsed Gold…. Stay […]
Maybe now you can stop slandering Bennett and start focusing on the issues.
1) No real experience running political organization at all. He showed up 5 years ago without any experience.
2) His own town a mess and he did nothing to help fix it. He sat it out and did not want to be involved. He did not have the “balls” to lead.
3) He is terribly conflicted as county wide elected official that wants to be party-boss. Can you say ethics charges to follow in the future, blowing up in our face?
4) He was the chief engineer that led failed coupe to dump a popular sitting Freeholder, Gary Rich, with an unqualified, over the top 3x loser, Bobby Walsh. The failed coupe once again caused division and disharmony in the ranks that he fostered and led; after lying to Gary’s face.
5) He has messes in his own department by hiring triple dippers on the tax-payer dime.
6) He has not political loyalty to anyone or anything. Only to himself and will stab anyone in the back —- or in the chest — to further his own selfish causes.
7) He wants to turn over the County political machine over to a handful of the big towns and return to the old days where you had to be from a big town to be anybody.
8) He wants to dole out more county jobs to people when he is conflicted.
9) He plans to use the sheriff’s office and county chairman’s job to be a “de-facto” County Executive; a role not allowed under this county form of government.
10) He will/plans to use chair to build chips and topple sitting outstanding Congressman Chris Smith in 2 years. As chairman he can give himself the line and dump Smith, a supremely competent Congressman.
Shaun Golden by a huge margin,
Mandate in hand!
Just reporting the chatter from all around the county and trying my best to keep it honest and truthful to what’s being said and heard everywhere.