Murray Sabrin Seeking Support For U.S. Senate Bid

Murray Sabrin, right, with Jay Lassiter, Jeff Gardner, then BlueJersey bloggers, Michael Aron, then of NJN, and MMM publisher Art Gallagher at a November 2010 shooting of Reporters Roundtable.
Murray Sabrin, PhD, the Ramapo College finance professor who challenged Governor Christine Whitman’s 1997 reelection as a Libertarian candidate and sought the GOP nomination for U.S. Senate in 2000 and 2008, wants another shot at the seat now occupied by Senator Cory Booker.
The professor has started the process of reaching out to party leaders, previous Republican Senate candidates and county chairmen to gauge and seek their support for the nomination that no mainstream Republican seems to want. Thus far, only little known small businessmen have taken steps to secure the nomination.
The son of Holocaust survivors, Sabrin, 67, was born in Germany and immigrated to the United States with his parents and brother as a toddler in 1949. He became a naturalized citizen in 1959. In addition to his academic career, Sabrin has worked in commercial real estate sales and marketing, personal portfolio management and economic research. He is the co-founder and president of a company that manufactures and distributes an environmentally friendly lubricant/rust inhibitor named for an edible eel.
A relentless advocate of small government and personal liberty, Sabrin is not affraid to speak his mind or act unconventionally. During his 2008 Senate bid, Sabrin placed a 20-1 bet on the Kentucky Deby hoping to raise enough cash to win the primary. Currently, he is floating a wacky theory about Bridgegate on his blog, raising the possibility that Governor Christie ordered the GWB lane closures, not as retaliation for Fort Lee Mayor Mark Sokolich’s lack of an endorsement, but because Sokolich didn’t invite Christie to a groundbreaking 11 days before Superstorm Sandy hit New Jersey.
Sabrin was a vocal critic of former Bogota Mayor Steve Lonegan last year when Lonegan ran against Booker for the completion of the late Senator Frank Lautenberg’s term. Should Sabrin be the Republican Senate nominee and should Lonegan win the GOP nomination to replace retiring Congressman Jon Runyan in CD-3 the former friends and allies will be running mates.
Lonegan was the best small business statewide candidate that NJ has seen in modern history. If Lonegan could not beat Booker, there sure is no way that Sabrin would. Murray continues to ignore my advice (and the advice of hundreds of others) to choose a congressional district and try to win that office first.
For Senate, I would like to see Christie take on Booker (or Menendez). Although he is not a small business politician, Christie is the best (maybe only) chance NJ has for Senate.
Of course, Christie would never run against Booker because he would have to admit that he threw away eight million dollars on a needless special election. And he would have egg on his face because his chess move only gave him a brief boost in the popularity that he fantasied would make him President.
Back to Dr. Sabrin (PHD). He refuses to humiliate himself by running for an office so minor as congress. Instead, he prefers to maintain the high road and become the Harold Stasson of NJ politics.
Maybe he should go all the way and run for President, instead, since he would have the same results.
So does “Maverick Murray” plan to raise money by betting campaign funds on the Kentuckey Derby like he did in 2008?
This is fantastic news and I’m very excited. With Murray Sabrin and Anna Little on the same ticket Cory Booker and Frank Pallone are political roadkill. Conservatives and Tea Parties are united, and with Dave Larsen representing the 7th district, Anna Little the 6th, Steve Lonegan the 3rd, and Murray Sabrin our next US Senator, we will send Freedom and Prosperity to Washington!
Yes, we will send freedom and prosperity to Washington while The Bayshore Bulldog goes to The Happy Home.
[…] College Professor Murray Sabrin made it official yesterday. He is running for the GOP nomination to challenge Senator Cory […]