Obama Girl Redux and The Hipster President Turns Square
Oh my.
As if President Obama didn’t have enough trouble this week with all the news about how he has lost the youth vote. Wait until the cool kids get a load of this.
It seems our government ran a contest for young people to submit videos to HHS to convince other young people to buy into Obamacare. Populist propaganda. Amateur government porn.
It was called the “Healthy Young America Video Contest” and the winners were announced on the White House website Tuesday. The overall winner was submitted by a lovely girl named Erin McDonald.
The name of her video to convince young people to buy an Obamacare policy……… is………wait for it……….drum roll……….I’m not kidding about this………..
If a Freudian slip could have a Freudian slip it wouldn’t be as revealing as the White House telling young people to not look at the cost. Or the rest of us for that matter.
If Democrats could have a theme song to capture the spirit of their utopian lust, the winner in the “Fiscal Irresponsibility” category would be a song called “Forget About The Price Tag.” It’s so pre-Presidential Barack Obama rhetoric. It harkens back to his promise of a single payer healthcare system. It unfortunately portends the same for your future.
And it’s real. It seems too perfect a desperate blunder, but I’m not making this up. It’s real. The White House has endorsed a song about ObamaCare called “Forget About The Price Tag.” Pinch me. Or shoot me. I haven’t decided yet.
Now for the video. This is no hip “Obama Girl” tune. This is bad. It’s corny. It’s Rebecca Black “Friday” bad.
Before I show it to you, will someone please contact his young lady, Erin McDonald, and ask her to reorganize that one corner of her bedroom? It drove me insane the entire video (but thankfully distracted me from the lyrics).
With apologies to all of you, I give you the new descriptor, sound-bite, slogan, bumper sticker cum personality disorder of the Obama administration – Forget About The Price Tag: