Measley: Pallone’s “Monkey Court” Rant Was A Fundraising Stunt

Charles On The Right
By Charles Measley
You probably saw the video of Congressman Frank Pallone ranting and raving like a lunatic at a House hearing this morning regarding the Affordable Care Act (a bill that he was the mastermind of) and the security of the private information of those enrolling.
I believe the whole incident was staged and this is why. Pallone recently had a failed bid for the Democratic primary regarding the open U.S. Senate seat here in New Jersey. For years Pallone has planned and dreamed of becoming a United States Senator During that time he built up a substantial warchest of about $4 million. When he announced his bid for United States Senate he transferred the majority of that money into his senatorial account.
Unfortunately for Pallone the battle was much more intense then he thought. After receiving a devastating blow from now US Sen. Cory Booker, Congressman Frank Pallone only has one fourth of his once mighty warchest left. Compared to his other challenger Congressman Rush Holt who walked away with a net gain.
On that primary night in August both Pallone’s confidence in being undefeated and his war chest that bought him power and influence were blown away. Congressman Frank Pallone had to do something to quickly put himself back on the map in order to raise his much-needed campaign funds.
At 6:30 this morning prior to his outrageous outburst Frank Pallone sent an e-mail entitled “our next step” in which he proudly claims that he put an end to the “radical and extreme” Republican shut down. He ends the e-mail “…I promise you, I will stand up against them just like I did during the shutdown.”
Shortly after his obscene outburst Frank Pallone sent out an e-mail asking for financial support in which he boasted about his brave actions in fending off attacks. He states that “…with every attack, my resolve grows stronger. At that hearing today, I called out the lies being told by my colleagues and when they tried to silence me, I refused to yield.”
My conclusion is that Pallone eloquently planned his outburst in order that he can raise the much-needed funds in an attempt to rebuild his once feared warchest. If someone was wise they will use this incident to raise money in order to help defeat the mastermind of ObamaCare: Congressman Frank Pallone.
the wounded “dove”..wish I had more confidence in the RNC, the RNCC and the RNSC, as to raising and spending some money in different,but weaker, districts, for next year.. the D’s are such liars, such spendthrifts and control freaks, as they weaken our military, wreck private enterprise, and break the bank, they deserve to get thrown out. But, can the GOP get its act together in time and in the right places? Probably not, but sure gotta try. It really is gonna be our last shot,in 2014.
HAHAHA Sour Grapes much?
Maybe an old-fashioned democrat voter will start a revolt against “monkey man” and primary Frankie.