Steve Lonegan and Sarah Palin rev up conservatives at speedway rally
By Susan K. Livio and Seth Augenstein Sarah Palin rode the Tea Party Express tour bus into Ocean County today to lend her political star power to Republican Steve Lonegan’s U.S. Senate campaign, urging the roughly 2,000 supporters to muster up “their…
“They are absolutely scared to death of Sarah Palin coming here because they know she is going to mobilize this base,” he said.
There was a time when Gov. Palin easily drew crowds as large as 10,000. Either her star power is waning or the Lonegan campaign grievously miscalculated the number of conservatives remaining in New Jersey.
The Speedway owner’s counted the cars and came up with 2600. Now, most of those cars surely held more than one person.
The owner’s suspect the crowd was closer to 5000, not the 2000 reported by the media. Which is typical of the liberal media who downplayed the numbers for one of the major tea party rallies in Washington by about 700,000.
I guess I shoulda read the article first before I read the contents. Anyway, certainly more there than the original quotes by the lame street media.
and it is admittedly scary, since the unions and paid knock and draggers bring them in buses, whereas many suburban homeowners have to remember to drive themselves,on a Wednesday.. NJ could make history on Wednesday, but I fear we will again contribute just another liberal dolt to the mess down there.. will be interesting to see how many cared enough to vote by mail, heard there wasn’t a huge influx, in Freehold.