Let’s get the Weiner Jokes Out Of Our System And Move On To Spitzer
By Stuart J. Moskovitz
Maybe we can finally put an end to the obsession over Anthony Weiner with these. Then we can have real fun and focus on Spitzer:
1. All those years in Congress and that’s all he has to show for it?
2. How odd that his name is Weiner when he should have been named for the other side.
3. How many years do you think Huda has set back women’s rights?
4. He really has proven the Peter principle, h…asn’t he?
5. Maybe if it were a little more substantial, it wouldn’t have been called a “tweet.”
6. Look, be kind, if no one is buying your product, you have to advertise.
7. We already know what he would do to the City if he were elected, he was merely being metaphorical in showing what he’d use.
8. Ok, so he made a mistake and confused some women with his urologist when tweeting.
9. Oh, like you’ve never accidentally pointed the cell phone in the wrong place when taking a picture?
10. It’s not really his fault. Huda said to him, “why can’t you be more like Hilary’s husband?” This was his interpretation.