Spring Lake Democratic Elected Officials Endorse Christie For Governor

Spring Lake Mayor Jennifer Naughton at the completion of the 2012 Belmar 5K, Photo by Stephen Lacko via facebook. StephenLacko.com
Four more Monmouth County Democratic elected officials broke ranks with their party to endorse Governor Chris Christie for reelection today.
Spring Lake Mayor Jennifer Naughton and Council members Janice Venables, Bob Dasheff and Priscilla Reilly joined Sea Bright Mayor Dina Long and Long Branch Mayor Adam Schneider in throwing their support behind Christie despite Monmouth County Democratic Chairman Vin Gopal’s attempts to enforce party discipline.
Gopal issued statements critical Long’s and Scheider’s endorsements of Christie, prompting the Governor to say that the 27 year old chairman represents the “politics of yesterday.”
Regarding today’s endorsements, Gopal said, “Spring Lake is an overwhelmingly Republican town. When Councilwoman Venables ran council last year, her mail pieces asked people to vote Democratic locally but not the rest of the ticket. The Monmouth County Democrats, as a county party, strongly supports Senator Barbara Buono for Governor. She will fight for working families throughout this county and state.”
Venables was a Monmouth Democratic Freeholder nominee in 2010.
“Like many other communities up and down the shoreline, Superstorm Sandy brought a wave of destruction here in Spring Lake that left us with a complex and costly recovery. We knew our effort would depend not only on talented local resources but a strong partner who understood what was at stake. We found that partner in Governor Chris Christie,” said Mayor Jennifer Naughton. “His strong leadership, unwavering support of the Sandy Recovery Bill and his willingness to set aside party politics to put New Jerseyans first is exactly what our state needed. For Spring Lake in particular, the Governor and his team have delivered in the aftermath of Sandy and responded personally when we most needed them. We are proud to stand with Governor Christie today and to endorse him for reelection.”
Spring Lake suffered significant damage during Hurricane Sandy, particularly to its boardwalk, along with extensive power outages. Working together, Spring Lake recently reconstructed its boardwalk and continues to work on improvements to the dune system.
“What we’ve accomplished here in Spring Lake is a testament not just to the resiliency of this community, but also to strength of the partnerships we’ve built over the past three years,” said Governor Chris Christie. “But our work isn’t done and both the problems and the opportunities before us as a state extend beyond political party. They’re about what we can do together as a people. I thank the mayor and councilmembers here for understanding that and for their support. I’m honored to continue our partnership and to carry their support in this campaign.”
Naughton is the 14th Democratic mayor throughout the state to endorse Christie. A total of 36 Democratic elected official have endorsed the Republican governor, including today’s four. Additional, traditionally Democratic supporters including 22 leaders of the state’s African American clergy community, 25 building trades labor organizations, the National Coalition of Latino Officers, the Career Fire Chiefs Association, and leading members and organizations representing New Jersey’s Hispanic community have backed Christie.
Christie leads his opponent, State Senator Barbara Buono by over 30 points in the latest independent polls.
Spring Lake is a Republican town.Mayor what did Christie do for Spring Lake?
I have finally seen enough. I hereby renounce Barbara Buono, because she’s a loser who will go down by 35 points.
I hereby pledge my allegiance to Governor Christie and his great ticket. I hope you can all forgive me for my previous support of Barbara Buono.
GOP forever!!
Hey coward when you make wacko comment use your own name.
After all the work the party did for Venables this is how she thanks them? Maybe she should read Buono great Economic Plan why she sitting on the beach,That they have thanks to the Democrats.
After all the work the party did for Venables this is how she thanks them? Maybe she should read Buono great Economic Plan why she sitting on the beach,That they have thanks to the Democrats.