
Christie Calls For Special U.S. Senate Election

Governor Chris Christie announced this afternoon that there will be a special election to fill the U.S. Senate seat vacated by Frank Lautenberg’s seat for October 16.  A primary will be held on August 13.

Christie has not yet decided who he will appoint the to fill the seat until October 16.  He said he expects to make the appointment in time for the Senate’s voting session next week.

Christie said he didn’t think it was right that he make an appointment through November 2014.

Posted: June 4th, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: 2014 U.S. Senate race | Tags: | 10 Comments »

10 Comments on “Christie Calls For Special U.S. Senate Election”

  1. Joe Wedick said at 2:58 pm on June 4th, 2013:

    My preliminary take: Christie is looking at his 2016 bid and not wanting to piss off Conservatives on the National level with a “permanent” 18 month appt. Rather, he will most likely – and here is what I’m watching for – appoint a moderate (Whitman?) Republican for the short term (until Oct. 16 decision), that that appointee doesn’t run in the primary nor the special “general” election. He then can turn around and say to the National conservatives that they had a wide open field and the electorate decided, all the while looking good to the home blue state crowd for his own re-election bid in November.
    If they can’t convince him to move it because of the additional costs, it will be because he doesn’t want a Senate race overshadowing his expected romp over Buono – it’s one of the only major races up this year on the National level – and his is in two major media markets.

  2. RulloWatch said at 3:28 pm on June 4th, 2013:

    Prepare for the Assault of the RulloBots. He already announced he’s running

  3. Bob English said at 3:36 pm on June 4th, 2013:

    Agree with Joe that he could/maybe should appoint someone who will not run such as Gov Kean or Whitman. What doesn’t make sense if having a special election just three weeks before the general elction. That is going to be a huge extra cost ($12 million?) to local municipalites. Might as well just wait until the first week of November when there is already an election scheduled.

  4. Rullo Watch said at 4:36 pm on June 4th, 2013:

    He was at an event today getting signatures already.

  5. Chris Nowak said at 5:15 pm on June 4th, 2013:

    I was one of the 2012 freeholder candidates in Union County that endorsed Joe Rullo for Senate and he has support once again!

  6. Rullobots Attack said at 6:21 pm on June 4th, 2013:

    Here come the crazies!

    Can anyone tell me what Joe’s biggest accomplishment is as either as a councilman, mayor, freeholder, assemblyman, senator, congressman, governor, president, grand high exhausted Pooba, maharaja, duke or king?

  7. Allison Drew said at 6:33 pm on June 4th, 2013:

    He is already doing petitions he got my signature & vote August 13, 2013. Go Rullo!

  8. All about him, said at 7:29 pm on June 4th, 2013:

    unfortunately.. Gives him the main focus and a bigger plurality in Nov., but the perception of not being a team player will end the chances for 2016, imho..and, the money for the board workers, machines, ballots, etc., 2 wks. before the reguar election,is a large and unnecessary expense that is hard to justify- oh, I forgot, we signed up for the Obamacare exchange and some $150 mil gets sent in to help balance this year’s budget.. Not good for the party as a whole, and, no matter who we get, we likely just gave away our first real shot in decades,to help with the Senate plurality next year- short-sighted and self-serving, is how it looks,right now- unfortunate..

  9. Allison Drew Is said at 7:38 pm on June 4th, 2013:

    the Edith Bunker of Rullo World.

  10. » Christie Calls For Special US Senate Election said at 4:44 pm on June 7th, 2013:

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