Crunch Time
As the LD 13 primary campaign enters its final days, the two competing slates seem to be employing very different strategies for getting their supporters to the polls on Tuesday.
The Bayshore Tea Party backed slate of candidates challenging the incumbent slate of GOP legislative veterans has taken to installing unreadable homemade ‘Column 3’ signs in front of the Kryillos, Handlin and O’Scanlon signs throughout Middletown.
The incumbents are knocking on doors and reminding supporters to vote.
I noticed those tiny Column 3 notes around town… You have to be drunk, crawling on the ground, to be able to notice what they say.
And have you seen the awesome sign at Largey’s office? Looks like he printed each letter on a piece of paper, and then glued each paper to a board. More like a ransom notice than an election sign.
There placing their signs directly in front of “Peters for Sheriff” signs–rendering them unreadable.
Real classless bunch of assholes!
putting signs out, it was Peter’s signs in front of Golden signs. But this crap with these horrible looking signs sure takes the cake.
They look like yard sale signs for the BSTPG bake sale to raise money.
This is what unprepared & ill vetted candidates look like
Jim Granelli
we couldnt afford signs YALL
That you couldn’t afford signs shows how ill prepared and ill advised you were.
That STILL does not excuse signs being put in front of other signs and again, I saw more Peters signs in front of Golden’s
What a clever idea with signs! It has people talking about it. Better than Charles brown nose article with 10 year old letter, lol.
Funny how all you Republicans are now crying about putting signs in front of other signs.But it’s ok when Republicans put signs in front of Democrats signs.
Sign wars have gone on for dozens of years. Doesn’t make it right, but both sides do it. Worse, when people actually steal the signs and plenty of Democrats have been caught doing that as well.
Get over it.
The “Ugly Mcnasties” Truth
Get over it. Sign wars are as old as campaigns- it’s America.. Proves who was LAST out, that’s the point!
The Aberdeen Republicans endorse the Christie team of Senator Kyrillos, Assemblywoman Handlin and Assemblyman O’Scanlon. They have been there for Aberdeen! Be there for them and vote tomorrow! — Toomey-Vail-Failla Aberdeen’s Christie team for 2013