Christie Raises $500K in Middletown

Sheriff Shaun Golden, Freeholders Serena DiMaso and Tom Arnone at Christie fundraiser, facebook photo
Governor Chris Christie’s reelection campaign raised $500,000 at the Middletown home of Newport Capital Group President Domenic DePiero, according to sources familiar with the event. The fundraiser, chaired by State Senator Joe and Susan Kyrillos, was the most successful Christie fundraiser to date, including the February fundraiser at the Palo Alto, CA home of facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.
Former NFL player Christian Peter, listed as a supporting member of the host committee on the event invitation, did not attend. “The only big guy I saw was Christie,” one donor said.
From the Tea Partiers about Peters attending.
I guess the word got he wasn’t welcome, as I expected it would.
So, what will Babs & her crew whine about next?
The attendees panicked that the TP was going to make an issue of Mr. Peters attending. What an embarrassment that the Republicans would be hobnobbing and rubbing shoulders with a sexual abuser of woman in the month of April: Sexual Awareness Month.
Tea Party: 1
Monmouth GOP:0
I bet that most of the candidates did not find out till after the invites were and then wiser heads prevailed
I doubt the Tea Party had anything to do with Peters being dis-invited. The Tea Party has zip, zero, nada power.
Now, you may put your head back into the sand.
When Art placed on this blog the invitation with Christian Peters’ name on it–with the resulting negativity and criticisms, you honestly don’t think that made the attendees start asking questions? Asking requests from Kyrillos to disinvite him? How do you think it would look if pictures got out with politicians hugging this guy in the month of April which is known as “Sexual Abuse Awareness Month?”
Afterall, Jennifer Beck is a “rape counselor” at 180 Lives Turned Around; Shaun Golden is the county’s highest law enforcement official–wouldn’t look good embracing a convicted sexual and physical abuser of woman would it?
For sure certain BSTP people had something to do with it, lol. My dear person, perhaps you should take your head out of your ass!
It’s the Tea Party with it’s head up it’s arse with it’s ludicrous candidates and arsinine President Barbie
Art’s doing than the Tea Party. All they did was climb on the bandwagon.
Silence Dogood, Redux
Art was right!!! Why didn’t others climb on the bandwagon? It was morally reprehensible; it was disgusting and vile that these parasitic politicians would attend with this person. If Solomon Dwek could donate, he would probably have been invited also.
So, would you admit that Christian Peter, not attending was the right thing to do?
Many people here defended him and Kyrillos for inviting him. I guess cooler and wiser heads prevailed. You don’t think this was discussed as being unwise? I guarantee you if he showed up, not one politician would have been photographed with him.
It’s time to flush the cesspool of immoral and unethical behavior! A great big flush to Kyrillos, Golden, Beck, Arnone, and Serena.
Time for a change. Time for the candidates of R4CL to prevail. I don’t care what picture is circulating of Ed!!! Ed, this Bud’s for you!
Hey Sorry Butt, but I checked and didn’t see any candidates that are filed as Tea Party. I do see Republicans for Conservative Leadership running against a gang of liberals who have 1. Raised Taxes, 2. Increased Debt, 3. Voted to limit my right to own a gun, 4. Failed to vote to allow me to protect myself in my home whereas I fear prosecution if I use deadly force when someone comes into my home illegally, 5. voted for human cloning, 6. voted to mandate partial birth abortion, 7. voted for growing human embryos to harvest body parts. None of that is conservative. And they want a convicted sex offender to be a host for a fund raiser?
Oh, and Mr Troll Silence Dogood, tell me where in the GOP platform it calls for increased taxes? Tell me where it calls for restricting gun ownership? Tell me where it condones partial birth abortion? Tell me where it says we need to rack up billions in new debt? Tell me where it says all of that! I cannot find it anywhere, perhaps your sorry butt can?