
Big Bird, Binders and Bayonets

Posted: October 25th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: 2012 Presidential Politics | 2 Comments »

2 Comments on “Big Bird, Binders and Bayonets”

  1. And You Can Add This Silliness said at 10:08 am on October 25th, 2012:

    To The Obummer BBB Campaign


    Ahhhhh, Excuse Me Mr. Obummer, Just Who Is The Real Bull S—–r?

    If this is all his campaign is reduced to, then he has a real problem. And the resident liberals here gladly defend and applaud this fool of a President.

    Now, as to that 20 page “plan” Obummer was waving around the other day.

    All it is, is a repackaging of The Dear Leader’s convention speech. As Mitt said in the last debate “Attacking me is not an agenda.”

  2. It's The Truth said at 10:13 am on October 25th, 2012:


    Hey, if Stephanie Cutter & crew can say Romney murdered a guy’s wife; there’s more truth in this story than Romney killing someone with cancer.

    After All, Obama would kill a live birth after a botched abortion…
