
The Middletown Dems should recruit this woman to run against Gerry Scharfenberger next year

Posted: October 18th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: Middletown, Middletown Democrats | Tags: , | 21 Comments »

21 Comments on “The Middletown Dems should recruit this woman to run against Gerry Scharfenberger next year”

  1. Middletowner said at 7:56 pm on October 18th, 2012:

    This woman would actually be a step up from the current cast of characters.

  2. Proud Republican said at 8:20 pm on October 18th, 2012:

    I actually thought I saw her with a sign on Route 35 last year. At least she won’t get arrested for crack possession.

  3. TheDigger said at 8:41 pm on October 18th, 2012:

    Now the hunt is on!

  4. Name (required) said at 9:28 pm on October 18th, 2012:

    I thought she was running this year.

  5. Pilgrim said at 1:18 pm on October 19th, 2012:

    Reminds me of Pam Brightbill and Stephanie Murry who replaced her. Although, the caller was most likely Gerry Scharfenberger in drag with a mechanically altered voice.

    The speakers apparent separation from reality, reminds me of Dr. Scharfenberger’s explanation for leasing, or selling, the $92,000 cell tower revenue stream because some “engineer” told him that the technology would be obsolete in a few years. Since then Holmdel has built and leased its own cell tower and is enjoying the revenue stream from it. I wonder what Gerry “Finance By Osmosis” Scharfenberger has in store for the taxpayers of Middletown as the head of the new Economic Development Committee. I also wonder if Gerry is going to use the head line from the article that Art wrote, 2008, about the sell-off of the cell tower revenue –“Stupid Is As Stupid Does” — as his campaign slogan next year.

  6. that sounds like Linda Baum said at 1:18 pm on October 19th, 2012:

    That’s Linda Baum’s Platform-

    Moving deer crossing signs. Her other belief is to sign up minors to vote, she is spending time going to elementary schools to entice minors to sign up and vote for her.
    Can’t make this stuff up

  7. brian said at 2:34 pm on October 19th, 2012:

    at least she isn’t chasing crack whores around in her underwear–(threw up a little)-so it’s a step up from last year,
    But the sign-stealers can try to spin,spin,spin this away.
    Was she at the school to help support the Dims porno donors??????

  8. brian said at 2:37 pm on October 19th, 2012:

    At least Art—-unlike Middletown Pig-boy, allows the crazies to come in and spout their nonsense——–Pig Boy only allows choir members in because Dims are sooooooooo tolerant of those who AGREE.

  9. LeonardoLou said at 3:04 pm on October 19th, 2012:

    I’m pretty sure the caller is Linda Baum. Maybe she can also talk about genetically mutated alfalfa.

  10. brian said at 3:52 pm on October 19th, 2012:

    lf Gerry S is “stupid”–what do you call adults who run into traffic???

  11. Proud Republican said at 4:02 pm on October 19th, 2012:

    Imagine you’re Pilgrim, and you are the lone schmuck who has the unenviable task of defending the motley crew of misfits better known as the Middletown Democrats. Part of your daily chores is to try and attack the people responsible for making Middletown one of the best run towns in New Jersey. Remember Art’s question – name a town that’s better run than Middletown? He never got an answer because frankly, there are none. To top it off, the Middletown Democrats have a chairman who was arrested for stealing signs, a candidate who was arrested (twice) for crack possession, another official who had an ethics charge upheld against him, another official who falsified petitions, another who failed to claim an illegal loan, another who damaged township property and fled the scene, another one who wants to teach the gay agenda to Middletown school kids and on, and on. And what does Pilgrim come up with? “Reminds me of Pam Brightbill and Stephanie Murry who replaced her. Although, the caller was most likely Gerry Scharfenberger in drag with a mechanically altered voice “- nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah. Pathetic.

  12. brian said at 4:20 pm on October 19th, 2012:

    They need to be driven back into their sewers……

  13. Pilgrim said at 7:10 pm on October 20th, 2012:

    Proud Republican,
    Art’s question has been answered several times. In-fact he answered it himself when he ran his article(s) “Stupid Is As Stupid Does”, 2008, on the Middletown Township Committee’s deft financial move, led by Dr Scharfenberger, to sell-off a long term revenue stream for short term financial gain: Art set a very low bar in naming a town that is better run than Middletown. Then there is the wonderful job that Tony Fiore and Gerry Scharfenberger and Steve Massell and Kevin Sentembrino and Stephanie Murry have done to maintain the quality of life in Middletown — in six years they have managed Middletown out of one of the “Top 100 Places To Live in the United States”. And, let us not forget Scharfenberger’s violation of Monmouth University’s policy on using university resources for political purposes, which also was a legal vilolation of tax law. Must have been the reason Christie hired him.

  14. brian said at 9:58 am on October 21st, 2012:

    Dims get a visit from the local constables, get to wear fashionable bracelets, and are given a chauffered ride around town on a weekly basis in this fine State—and all that will be ended by investigating the town with the lowest tax rate and highest quality of life–really dragging us down–and replace that with sign-stealing, school trespassing,libtards who run in traffic in an attempt to overcome their irrelevance.
    16 Days to drive these scumbags into their sewers again.
    Steal any signs this week Pogrom????

  15. brian said at 9:59 am on October 21st, 2012:

    And a “Tolerance” program run by Ms lbgtvlmnop is what is sorely missing…..

  16. Proud Republican said at 10:08 am on October 21st, 2012:

    Poor Pilgrim, so sad, so angry, and so in the bunker trying to defend the hapless Middletown Democrats. I’m afraid I didn’t see an answer to Art’s question as to where is a town better run than Middletown. And while we’re at it, let’s look at some of the things the town council has “done” to Middletown:

    1) Brought single stream recycling saving over $700g in the process while increasing monthly revenue by over $20g a month.

    2)Brought Memorial Sloan Kettering to a building that was vacant for over 10 years.

    3) Saved the swim club and brought a world class ice rink to town at no cost to the taxpayers.

    4) Given Middletown one of the smallest workforces per capita in the state (<300), while having one of the lowest spending per capita rates in the state (ca. $890).

    5) Created an Economic Development Committee and Historic Preservation Committee.

    6) Brought back the wildly successful Middletown Day with 100% private donations.

    Want more pal? Ok if you insist – here ya go:

    7) Worked out a deal to bring a natural gas fueling station to Middletown at no cost to the taxpayers.

    8) Created a system to mix used cooking oil with diesel fuel to save thousands of dollars each year.

    I could go on, but I think you get the point. And what have you Dems given us? Government subsidized low income housing, union excess and let's teach the gay agenda to Middletown school kids. No thanks dude.

  17. Pilgrim said at 6:31 pm on October 21st, 2012:

    Proud Republican,
    For better run towns, try Fair Haven, Rumson, Summit, Short Hills/Millburn and South Orange. The cooking oil/deisel fuel system never saved “thousands”, works for only one vechile and collecting cooking oil now costs the township money. The per capita spending and per capita workforce claim is skewed and made meaningless by a 67,000 population that makes poor financial management look good, not be good. The single stream recycling is a geat idea and initiative introduced and championed by Sean Byrnes (D). Sloan-Kettering is a great addition to the region and all of the work that the Freeholders did, along with Middletown support, is greatly appreciated. The Economic Development Committee is many years late and as a response to the Great Recession is five years past due. Hopefully it will be more productive than the online directory that ‘Buy Middletown’ is; although, in Gerry “Stupid Is As Stupid Does” Scharfenberger’s hands it doesn’t have much of a future — unless it is a podium for his campaign in 2013. The Swim Club was put on the chopping block by the Township Committee and it was saved by an independent group of citizen activists who worked hard to create an opportunity to turn it around. The Township Committee did not save the Swim Club.

  18. Proud Republican said at 10:46 pm on October 21st, 2012:

    Ha ha, very funny Pilgrim. It must be torturous for you to stare at the wall and try and come up with a down side for every great thing that occurs in this town. I also want to thank you for mentioning towns who are all great towns, not quite in Middletown’s league, in my opinion, but that are overwhelmingly run by Republicans. That shows there may be hope for you yet. Especially when you look at towns run by Democrats, like Camden, Paterson, Trenton, Bridgeton, East Orange, Monroe, etc. All towns that are sucking the life out of the NJ taxpayer with their special aid, Abbott funding, Medicaid, DYFUS, WIC, and on and on. Thanks again, for promoting the success and efficiency of Republican leadership.

  19. Pilgrim aka Jim said at 6:48 am on October 22nd, 2012:

    Hey Pilgrim or should we say Jim? How many times has your rhetoric worked for you in Middletown, or District 13? You are a 9 time loser. Your words mean nothing.

  20. Steve Borbely said at 9:56 am on October 22nd, 2012:

    HAHA, That video was funny. The sad thing is the caller probably votes too!

  21. brian said at 10:18 am on October 22nd, 2012:

    At least Ms lbgtvlmnop is using Jim/Pilgrims color scheme—with as much success i predict…………..