
Some of the questions the State Department doesn’t want to answer about Libya

Posted: September 16th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: Middle East | Tags: , , | 10 Comments »

10 Comments on “Some of the questions the State Department doesn’t want to answer about Libya”

  1. If You Libs Could Lift Your Head Up Out Of The Sand For A Moment said at 9:21 am on September 17th, 2012:


    Obummer, The Apologist In Chief; Tearing Down America, One Brick At A Time

  2. Admittedly, NOT On Point, But Gubmint Control Forever said at 12:16 pm on September 17th, 2012:

    How’s THIS For You Lil Bobbie Boy


    The comments are quite telling

  3. Bob English said at 12:49 pm on September 17th, 2012:

    Boy: Not sure what your arguement is here. It would seem to me that the smart thing to do would be to hold onto the stock for now.

    If you were/are against the auto bailout that is fine…I know a lot of people felt the same way. With that position though would have come the loss of the entire US auto industry including the suppliers (which is why even Ford was in favor of the bailout to their competitors.) It is estimated that over 1 million jobs would have been lost .

    Romney has tried to spin his “let them go bankrupt position” to one calling for a managed backruptcy however even President Bush who gave the automakers and their finance arms about $25 billion in his final weeks in office in bailout funds — said there wasn’t time.

    Nobody but the ferderal government was going to loan the auto industry $$$.

  4. BUT, BUT, BUT Lil Bobbie Boy said at 1:10 pm on September 17th, 2012:


    The feel Gubmint ownership is detrimental to their growth. However, Big Gubmint knows everything. Sure, right.

    Always missing the point.

  5. Art Gallagher said at 1:18 pm on September 17th, 2012:

    Nobody but the ferderal government was going to loan the auto industry $$$.

    Bob, that is not a FACT. It is a deeply flawed opinion. Your repeating it over and over as though it were a fact does not make it so.

    Romney has tried to spin his “let them go bankrupt position” to one calling for a managed backruptcy however even President Bush who gave the automakers and their finance arms about $25 billion in his final weeks in office in bailout funds — said there wasn’t time.

    Romney was right and Bush was wrong. I understand why Obama apologists keep running against Bush, but it is disengenuous on 2 counts.

    1) Bush is not running and Romney is not Bush.

    2) Obama has continued and expanded the worst of Bush’s policies.

  6. Back To Questions That The State Department Doesn't Want Asked said at 3:01 pm on September 17th, 2012:

    This excuse that an Anti Islam which the Obummer Administration wants to blame the Mideast crisis on is a bunch of cow moon pies.

    No one has seen it other than a brief trailer and snippits of what it might be, it is a BIG FAT CANARD, being used to cover up the Administrations failures.

    BTW, you libs DO know that Bill Maher, that disgusting POS lib on HBO made a film called Religulous, don’t you?


    It lampoons every religion, ESPECIALLY Islam in the last 20 minutes.

    Did the media harp on that, NO….

    Did the Mid East burst into flames…


    Then, take this…


    Every indication is that this was preplanned and there were no protestors at the Libyan Embassy and that all of our embassies were poorly protected ESPECIALLY on 9/11

    Every indication is that the Obummer administration had 48 hours notice.

    Yet, the administration drags out Ambassador Rice to lie for them and to throw out that canard about some anti Islam film that no one has seen.

    You are all being sold a bill of goods by the WORST President ever. WAKE UP.

    Anyone is better than this bum.

  7. Now, Back To That Gubmint Motors Thing said at 3:04 pm on September 17th, 2012:

    How much is this costing us?


    And then, there is this sad fact



  8. OMG - HAS OBUMMER REALIZED HE HAS BEEN CAUGHT IN A LIE? said at 3:09 pm on September 17th, 2012:



    Why Do “WE THE PEOPLE” Realize What Is Right In Front Of Our Face While We Have To Put Up With The Dear Leader Stumbles Along & Tries To Hide Behind A Canard.


    Who should have waited before they opened their mouth? Ah, that would have to be Obummer, Hellery Clinton & The Ambassador To The UN Who Was Used As A Tool Of The Propaganda Machine.

  9. Is GM Going Bankrupt Again? said at 3:50 pm on September 17th, 2012:



  10. Bob English said at 5:08 pm on September 17th, 2012:

    Art…I mentioned W to show that the auto bailout at one time anyway was thought of as a good idea by many Republicans and also used his own words to counter the arguement that there was private funding available. His rational for having the Feds do the bailout in late 2008 was that immediate action was needed and there was no private $$$ available and at the time and there just wasn’t. People like Romney can say whatever they want about private equity almost 4 years later but at the time there were just two choices. I believe Bush made the right choice at the time as well did Obama when he took office.