
Jobs report

96,000 new jobs

58% of working age Americans have a job

Unemployment rate is 8.1%

Posted: September 7th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: Economy | Tags: | 15 Comments »

15 Comments on “Jobs report”

  1. The REAL Unemployement Number said at 11:07 am on September 7th, 2012:

    The U6 Number Which Includes Those Who Have Given Up Looking For Work…



  2. Bob English said at 12:29 pm on September 7th, 2012:

    Jobs being lost/month when Obama became Presidnet: 800,000

    Number of consecutive months of jobs growth under Obama: 30

    House Republicans support the Presidents jobs bill: No (In the past that would have had support form both sides of the aisle.)

    Note that last month when a lot more jobs were created but unemployment still ticked up, Romeny was saying it was the unemployment rate is what was important. Today he is saying the opposite.

    Everyone knows that more jobs are needed but I also think everyone knows that giving the millionaires , billionaires and corporations more tax cuts does not create additional demand for products or more jobs.

  3. Lil Bobbie Always Tries To Spin & Dance said at 12:45 pm on September 7th, 2012:

    The Truth Is Bob And You’ve Admitted It Before, The Number Of Jobs Created IS LESS Than What Is Needed To Cover Population Growth.


    Stop with the broken record will ya.


    At his present rate, if we were unfortunate enough to see Obummer re-elected, UE will be down to (only) 7% by the end of his second term.

    The reality is that if the size of the work force was the same as when The Dear Leader took office (and they didn’t rig the numbers by taking out those who have just plain given up) the unemployment number would be 11% today and the U6 NUMBER would be an astounding 20%

    Black & Hispanic Unemployment at near record numbers today.

    I’ll tell you what Lil Bobbie, I’ll sign on to Ohio when you admit the WHOLE Convention was one lie after lie, after lie.


    Till then, stop sniping at little things.

  4. Forgot This Bobbie said at 12:54 pm on September 7th, 2012:

    The drop in average family income under Obummer? $55,000 to $51,000

    Please quit trying to twist reality and maybe you would be a little more believable. Obamma “doesn’t feel the pain”

  5. BTW said at 1:28 pm on September 7th, 2012:

    RE: Obama wanting more time.

    Didn’t he say that if he didn’t get it done in 3 years, he should be a one term president?

  6. brian said at 2:04 pm on September 7th, 2012:

    Flopsy—how are tax cuts for ALL taxpayers ONLY for the rich????
    How much should we cut the rate of the 47% of Americans WHO PAY NO INCOME TAX??? 10%, 20% how about 100%????
    The top 20% pay 92% of all income taxes–what’s enough????

  7. dentss said at 2:16 pm on September 7th, 2012:

    Today’s reported unemployment rate: 8.1%. The reason: the labor “participation” dropped to a 31 year low 63.5% as reported earlier. Of course, this number is pure propaganda, and makes no sense for one simple reason: despite the economic collapse started in December 2008, the US civilian non-institutional population since then has grown by 186,000 people every month on average hitting an all time high of 243,566,000 in August. These people need a job, and the traditional shorthand is that at least 100,000 jobs have the be generated every month for the unemployment rate to merely stay flat, let along improve. So what does one get when one uses the long-term average of the past 30 or so years which happens to be 65.8%? One gets an unemployment number that is 45% higher than the reported 8.1%, or 11.7%. That is what the real unemployment rate is assuming the US labor participation rate was realistic and not manipulated by the BLS

  8. Screwtape said at 3:09 pm on September 7th, 2012:

    Chris Christie raised Port Authority tolls (taxes) by 125%. Thanks to this particular Chris Christie tax increase, truckers will soon be paying $90 to cross the George Washington Bridge. (And that’s only if they have EZ Pass. Without EZ Pass they will be paying over $100 to cross the GW Bridge.)

    Can anyone tell me how increasing road taxes on truckers makes it easier for New Jersey’s small trucking companies to create new jobs?

    By the way, if you doubt that toll increases are tax increases, please consult Chris Christie himself. During his recent keynote address to the Republican National Convention, Governor Christie referenced the 115 tax increases that took place in the 8 years before he became Governor. One can only reach that 115 number by counting each and every tax, toll and fee increase implemented in the 8 years before Christie took office as a “tax increase.”

    If you pardon the cliche, what is good for the goose is good for the gander. Christie promised that he would not increase taxes. Christie lied. Christie raised taxes.

  9. PS ... said at 3:34 pm on September 7th, 2012:

    Tax increase or not, and at the very least, Chris Christie’s tax (toll) increases certainly made New Jersey a more costly place in which to live and work. Christie certainly made New Jersey a much less attractive place for any company that might be considering moving to the Garden State.

  10. 100,000 more jobs! said at 5:51 pm on September 7th, 2012:

    But I heard the President declare that HE’D create 100,000 new Early Learning teacher’s jobs in the next ten years! Just think, you greedy, employed, rich, 50% of the people with jobs can then pay for an ADDITIONAL 100,000 teachers so that 3&4 year olds can learn to color within the lines, use scissors and eat glue. And 100,000 new arts & crafts instructors surely leads families to being willing and able to afford the needed additional years of higher education on the other end to become doctors, engineers or community organizers. Heres to hOping!!!

  11. Barry said at 5:51 pm on September 7th, 2012:

    Flopsy—how are tax cuts for ALL taxpayers ONLY for the rich????
    How much should we cut the rate of the 47% of Americans WHO PAY NO INCOME TAX??? 10%, 20% how about 100%????
    The top 20% pay 92% of all income taxes–what’s enough????

    It is even worse because some not paying income taxes are getting refundable tax credits via EITC and childhood. So not only are they not paying income tax they are getting refunds from IRS. So in effect they are not even paying the SS payroll or sales taxes the libs cry about when we say they do not pay income tax.

  12. Bob English said at 7:14 pm on September 7th, 2012:

    Romneys proposed tax cuts would add aprox $4 trillion to the debt. To date he has not explained how he would pay for those tax cuts and which dedcutions he would eliminate. Rather than posting like a bunch of nitwits all day, why dont you write him a letter and ask him to explain his plan. Even Fox News could not get details of Romneys plan out of a Romeny spokesperson.

    Nothing on Ohio????…. your record of zero credibility is still intact. My offer still stands.

    Obamas plan is simple, 98% of the people keep their tax cut and the rest go back to the Clinton rate which should not have been lowered in the first place since that and the unpaid for wars are a huge factor in the debt and deficit.

    Since we agree that not enough jobs are being created, why won’t the Republicans support the Presidents jobs bill and why did most of the Republicans vote against the anti outsourcing bill?? Because Obama was for it??? Every one of them should be voted out of office.

  13. I told you lil bobbie said at 7:59 pm on September 7th, 2012:

    When you own up to all of Obummer’s lies, then I’ll take up the Ohio issue. Till then, I am not going to waste anyone’s times on it.

    As I said previously, that issue PALES in the face of Obummer’s lies, the DNC Hate Parade & Racial Division on the part of the DNC.

    It pales in the face of Obummer’s failed record on jobs. Sure, spin the jobs record with your rose colored glasses, the fact is he isn’t even keeping up with the growth of the population. For every job created last month, FOUR people gave up looking.

    Why don’t you deal with the reality of that and then call me.

    As for Romney’s tax cuts, I’ll bet you we can find three times that in government waste.

    THAT’S how we pay for it.

    BTW, I did point out that a lot of DEMOCRATS have been outsourcing jobs.

    Go find that memo will ya? Until then, like I said to Salad Boy, please “go play in traffic.”

  14. Here, Deal With This Lie Lil Bobbie said at 8:07 pm on September 7th, 2012:

    More Hate, Division And Bigotry, Courtesy Of The Democrat Party


  15. For All Of Those That Want To Tax The Rich said at 7:09 am on September 8th, 2012:

    Here’s a perfect example of why it hurts the little guy…

    “Mike Behrsin · Top Commenter

    Now ask yourself who buys these expensive boats.

    Some say the big bad rich people(1%).Well keep trying to tax the he– out of them because you think they dont pay their fair share and they will not buy these expensive things and you know who will suffer?

    The little man .The factories that hire the builders,sales people,secretaries,shipping people,other businesses that support the the factory. See what happens if you hit them with higher taxes.

    We will be all out of a job.You think they will suffer?”


    I Know, I Worked At Viking Yachts Then.

    Quote from a comment under the following Nudnik’s article.
