
The next president of the United States

Posted: August 31st, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: 2012 Presidential Politics, Mitt Romney, Republcan National Convention 2012, Uncategorized | Tags: , | 8 Comments »

8 Comments on “The next president of the United States”

  1. Al, "I Used To Be The Next President Of The USA" said at 1:14 pm on August 31st, 2012:


    This is what happens when washed up hacks sense they are losing. They try to change the Constitution. No need for rules which got us here.

    God, he’s got so bad; Tipper couldn’t even stand him.

  2. Bob English said at 8:51 pm on August 31st, 2012:

    Actually it was the Pennsylvania Republican Governor and Republican Leigslative leader who tried to change how electorial votes are awarded in PA since they “sensed they were losing”. Lack of support forced them to drop their plan.


    As for what Gore said the electorial college system is not going to change however remember that Gore beat Bush in 2000 by over half a million votes in the popular vote which would obviously affect how he feels about the issue.

  3. and thank God for that! said at 1:37 pm on September 2nd, 2012:

    can’t even imagine how messed up we’d be by Greenie Gore, the biggest “do what I say, not what I do” phoney of all!!..however, sadly,Nobama’s doing fine getting us to where Algore wanted us to go, his lying and squandering of billions on shadow, fake and unproductive “green”projects, which put us into even greater debt, should be indictable..

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