
Gopal calls out Little and Smith over Kyrillos tax stance

The following is a release from Monmouth County Democratic Chairman Vin Gopal on behalf of Congressman Frank Pallone Jr. (Monmouth-6) and Brian Froelich (Monmouth-4) – Democratic Candidates for US Congress in Monmouth County:

“This week, Joe Kyrillos broke from the Republican Party’s stalwart position against raising any taxes, even on the wealthiest people and most profitable corporations in America. However, when the GOP establishment attacked his stance, Joe Kyrillos quickly backtracked. This incident does raise an important question that effects all NJ voters – where does our the Republican Senate Candidate stand on the issue of tax fairness and where do the Republican Members of Congress and candidates stand on this issue. New Jersey Democrats have consistently been leaders on this issue, pushing for a millionaires tax that would ask everyone to pay their fair share.


Now is the time to ask these Republicans where they stand – do they stand with the Joe Kyrillos who has spent over 2 decades in Trenton protecting the wealthy at the expense of New Jersey’s working families and opposed the Millionaires tax? Or do they stand with the Joe Kyrillos who seems to only have existed only for one newspaper report and realized that he was on the wrong side of NJ families in his repeatedly demonstrated opposition to a millionaires tax.”

Posted: August 17th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: 2012 Congressional Races, 2012 U.S. Senate Race | Tags: , , , , , | 19 Comments »

19 Comments on “Gopal calls out Little and Smith over Kyrillos tax stance”

  1. Name (required) said at 8:30 pm on August 17th, 2012:

    Who on earth is “Vin Gopal”?

  2. Ralph said at 8:58 pm on August 17th, 2012:

    The guy who just brought life to the Democratic Party in Monmouth County while John Bennett is going after his own

  3. Proud Republican said at 9:37 am on August 18th, 2012:

    Hey Vin – how do you feel about tax fairness whereby the 50% of wage earners not currently paying taxes are made to pay something toward maintaining the government? After all, they are the ones grubbing most of the government services – they should be the ones who at least kick in a little something. Another thing – can’t you sleazeballs come up with anything new besides raising taxes? That’s all you Democrats are good for. It’s not enough that the top 20% pay 90% of the taxes – you want even more. Yeah, real fair. I have a suggestion for all wealthy people. Close your businesses, throw everyone out of work and let’s see who the Democrats find to beat up on next.

  4. Susan said at 11:10 am on August 19th, 2012:

    This guy Gopal sounds like a goof ball! How about all the leftist voting by Menedez to raise taxes on the middle class in this state like Obamacare!!! Menendez is a Pelosi/Reid lacky and this guy Gopal points fingers at the GOP! He’s got to be kidding…this has to be a joke!

  5. Bob English said at 2:10 pm on August 19th, 2012:

    Susan…why are you attacking Mr. Gopal since all is is doing is asking a legitimate question of Ms. Little and Mr. Smith???

  6. Confused said at 12:27 am on August 20th, 2012:

    Why are the Republicans attacking Gopal instead of just answering his question? Do they disagree with Kyrillos then? Instead of attacking the messenger, im curious where Little and Smith stand


  7. Joe Killeen said at 8:57 am on August 20th, 2012:

    What is the point of having a knowledgeable individual, budget savvy, forever public servant, head numbers man of the numbers informed crowd and he can’t figure out how to pay the same tax percentage as his boss? Seems like more of the same ole to me? If I am going to put somebody in charge whose value is he knows the numbers, back and front, and sideways, at least he should have something in his resume that indicates that skill. Top local and 2nd top national favorites don’t instill that type of confidence, both of them paid higher percentages than the Mitt.

  8. Susan said at 1:40 pm on August 20th, 2012:

    To address your question Mr. English, I am not attacking anyone. I speak the truth! The dems are the biggest hypocrites! Let’s look at the tax increases voted for by Pallone, Menendez and Lautenberg in this state! Libs are always quick to point a finger at Republicans. Why isn’t Gopal questioning the taxes his party set into place? Besides I have a question for you sir…what is considered rich and tax fairness for heavens sake??? Can you answer this question? I may have the answer for you, how about a ‘Flat Tax’!

  9. brian said at 3:57 pm on August 20th, 2012:

    The top 20% of the country pays 92% of all the Federal income taxes—obviously nowhere near enough—and if you confiscated ALL their wealt, it wouldn’t cover even one year of Milhous’s defecit–so obviously they need to work harder………….

  10. brian said at 3:58 pm on August 20th, 2012:

    “wealth”–damn keyboard

  11. Bob English said at 6:17 pm on August 20th, 2012:

    Susan…I am in favor of letting the Bush tax cuts expire on the parts of income above 250k (everyone keeps the cut on their first 250k on income.) Those cuts to the top rate should never have been made in the first place at a time the country was becoming involved in two unpaid for wars…taxes actually needed to be raised at the time to pay for the wars. Note that would bring the top rate back to what it was under President Clinton which was the only time in decades that there was a balanced budget.

    Close tax loopholes and breaks to big oil and combine that with spending cuts and entitlement reform.

    Regarding your question on a flat tax…do you get rid off all deductions especially those used by the middle class? Is it revenue neutral or does it raise at least some additional $$$ to put towards deficit reduction?

  12. TeaPartyDem said at 6:20 pm on August 20th, 2012:

    Gopal, nice to see you are going down the same road with Obama, Wasserman-Schultz, Axelrod, etc. and the corrupt press.
    You know, that road paved with deceit, hypocrisy, fraud, greed and possibly criminality. I was hoping you were different. I guess not. Just another scared little face in a crowd of villians.

  13. Susan said at 7:09 pm on August 20th, 2012:

    So let me get this straight Bob…you are o.k. with the wealthiest being taxed at 250k. Did you know that it is a tax on families making 250k jointly???? Hello!

  14. Susan said at 7:21 pm on August 20th, 2012:

    We are not talking about Clinton Bob. We are talking about Obama and the 27 taxes built into Obamacare which will kick in shortly, and who will be paying these taxes..the middle class! Fifty percent of Americans pay the taxes and the other 50 percent reap the benefits…here is your redistribution of wealth! Did you know that Obama is bankrupting Medicare, taking money from it to pay for Obamacare?

  15. Bob English said at 7:38 pm on August 20th, 2012:

    Susan…every non partisan study on deficit reduction said that additional revenues are needed in addition to large spending cuts. Aprox 2/3 of the American people share that view including myself. Note that the President and Speaker of the House were close to agreeing on a plan which would have cut futre deficits by trillions of dollars. It was the extremists in the Houe that would not support their own Speaker so there was no deal. If you want to vote people out of office who killed the deal, get rid of thsoe Republicans in the House.

    Regarding “cuts” to Medicare, the three major fact checking sites in the country say that isn’t true. Obamas plan limits future growth through reforms….it does not cut anything. http://www.politifact.com/florida/statements/2012/aug/20/mitt-romney/romney-says-obama-cuts-716-medicare-pay-obamacare/

    In reference to the 250k figure I mentioned, would you be in favor of letting the Bush tax cuts expire than on family incomes of 400k or more? FYI, families making 400k+ got 1/2 of the benefits of the Bush tax cuts.

  16. Guest said at 8:17 pm on August 20th, 2012:

    And the Senate has done …..what?

  17. Bob English said at 10:43 pm on August 20th, 2012:

    Guest-the House or Senate acting alone accomplishes nothing. That is why the plan that the President (with support of the D’s in the Senate and House) was working to achieve with The Speaker was called “The Grand Compromise” or “Grand Bargain.” The country would be in far better shape today if the Tea Party members of the House supported their own Speakers efforts.

  18. NJ Resident said at 9:57 am on August 21st, 2012:

    That’s a very broad generalization, Mr. English. There really is no such easy answer.

  19. Joe Killeen said at 8:18 pm on August 21st, 2012:

    The broad generalization I think you are referring to NJ Resident is “The country would be in better shape today….” If that is correct I have to offer the thought unfortunately that we will never know the answer to the correctness of that assumption and yes it is a matter of opinion.

    But when compared to what we do have the answer to and is the result of the aforementioned Tea Party Mule Team activity which has been nothing it is at least a hopeful assumption that provides just the slightest ray of hope that this cluster up will end.
    Nothing except temporary measures authorizing expenses that cost more to process than they are worth in the long run is the substantive result of the Tea Party squeeze on their Republican brethren.
    It is not a quirk of fate or any logical or statistically probable result that the legislative output of the last 3 years has been slim and abysmal.
    There have been some objections to my use of the work, puppets, to describe the pledge bound Republican members of the House and Senate, so I’ll call them chess pieces in the grand game that has been running on for over 30 years in our government.
    A party of the minority has allowed itself to be held hostage and decisions taken out of their individual representative hands.
    You don’t need a telescope or a Mars rover to see the result and have been able to watch the process unfold over the decades and with quite amount of gusto since the 2008 election.
    In 2007 when the entire world economy teetered on the brink of collapse there was less strom and drang coming from either side of the aisle as there is coming from the right today.
    The excuse that the economy has not “recovered” sufficiently and the government will go broke because of the social net agenda of the Democrats is a ruse to try and hide the complete lack of action or anything but the same old thinking that got us smothered in debt and malaise in 2007 originally.
    And that is the only statements of substance coming from the Republican Party and their chess masters.