Introducing Linda Baum
Usually we leave the posting of video from the Middletown Township Committee meetings to MiddletownMike or the Middletown Democrats.
This week we received several phone calls about Township Committee candidate Linda Baum’s remarks to the Committee. Since Mike hasn’t posted the video yet, we ran over to Town Hall and requested an audio of the meeting to hear what all the fuss was about.
Baum and Deputy Mayor Steve Massel face off in the November election for a three year term on Middletown’s governing body.
Here’s another link just in case you people don’t know or are too dimwitted how to perform a search on google:
And for those that have a problem with the written word, here’s is a link to a youtube visual aid that might help with your fracking education.
And finally for those of you are the most ignorant, listen again to what Linda Baum said and not what you think she said.
She did not state that the Middletown school children should be subjected to LGBT education of any kind. She stated that she met a couple of Middletown residents that started a new group to foster the education of people pertaining LGBT issues.
She commended Middletown’s rather dimwitted Deputy Mayor on his earlier comments about school children having and interest in government and suggested that maybe there could be clubs set up in the schools to help teach kids how government works.
How you people jumped the shark on this one would be comical if it weren’t so sad and based on defaming anything Baum says to discredit her legitimacy as a candidate for township committee.
Per the tape, Ms. Baum said that this new group, Destigmatize, Inc., wants to “Reach out to the schools”. “Education”, “acceptance” and “inclusion” were the words she used on the tape (was the tape edited?).
Ms. Baum proudly proclaims she attended the Gay “Pride” festival and parade in Asbury Park, and announced that June is “LGBT Pride” month.
The group Ms. Baum referred to is a non profit and it sounds like they provide “services” (education) – I wonder if they charge for those services? Their Facebook page mentions, “believes in LGBT Equality”.
Just how do they want to “reach out” to the schools?
Here is the Facebook page of that organization:
Destigmatize Incorporated
To provide services and educational peer to peer outreach to help break down and overcome and get a better understanding of the stigmatization’s our society place upon us. To also reach out to our clientele in order to lower the Anti-Bullying, Teen Suicide, Homelessness, and New HIV infection rate. Amongst focusing on other every day issues the LGBT Community face.
Company Overview
Destigmatize Inc. is a Non-Profit working on bringing the LGBT community together as a whole as well as part of society. Destigmatize Inc is a membership based Non-Profit and so can not succeed with the support of every other person who believes in LGBT Equality and who is tired of seeing the aftermath effects such as Youth Suicide, Bullying, as well as Gay Youth Homelessness.
Basic Info
Founded 2012
Location Middletown, NJ 07748
Contact Info
Phone 1 (908) 902-7165
Email [email protected]
Let me make this point perfectly clear: I want my daughters to date and marry men if that is their future. I want my sons to date and marry woman if that is their future. I do not want my sons to choose to have sex with other men and I do not want my daughters to choose to have sex with other woman. And, I certainly don’t want my daughters or my sons to engage bi-sexual or transexual behavior either. I clearly want my values concerning standards for behavior and sexual choices to be respected and held in high regard. That would mean I do not need to have Linda Baum or the government teaching my children what standards of sexual behaviors are normal and acceptable, I can do that job myself thank-you.
This woman is the real dopey one. I guess she would rather continue our dependence on foreign oil. Fracking waste is not radioactive.
She is the same person who also wrote about genetically mutated alfalfa. She is clearly way out of whack with what being a government official is all about.
BTW Rick for someone against hate you sure seem to carry around a lot of hate for Cheney. While I despise the politics of Democrats I don’t personally hate them.
Rick Ambrosia is exactly what Republicans need in Colts Neck. A chairman just like King Caliendo who couldn’t win an election if it was uncontested!
Educated yourself at Google U , eh??
Before you hang that newly framed diploma on your wall for all to see, try getting a real education. Rather than citing conspiracy theory sites you’ve found via Google, try taking a course led by a bona fide physicist. Look into geophysics while you’re at it. And no, your taxpaying neighbors don’t want to pay for your education. You’ll have to do that yourself.
Fracking does not produce radioactive waste. In the real world, credibility is key.
Out of state fracking waste should not be dumped in NJ nor should $$$ from the states clean energy fund be used to balance the budget.
I want to thank the far left democrats who frequent this site, Pilgrim, Rick A., Dopey R. for showing the world their extreme views on energy and gays. It reminds everyone who wants to keep gas prices high, electricty rates skyrocketing, and grade schoolers indoctrinated into the world of gay sex. I also want to give a special thanks to Linda Baum for being one of the most bizarre, extreme candidates the hapless Middletown Democrats have ever dredged up. In the meantime, the Republican council keeps cruising along, running the town like a well oiled machine. Hey Art – is it time to resurrect the question – “Name a town run by Democrats that is better run than Middletown?” Don’t bother, the answer will be the same.
Who has tried to dump fracking waste in NJ?
Why no one of course. This is another non- issue made up by the dems because they have no solutions to real problems.
Tom Stokes,
If I have no idea what I’m talking about, then why do you go on and on in your responses and very frequently off-point?
Could it be that you love to pontificate and try to show people how smart you are and will use any opportunity on-point or off-point to be full of sound? Could it be that no one really pays any attention to what you have to say in real-time? Could it be that you use your legal name to try to impress people with what you have to say because your ego is starved for recognition that you only are able to get online?
I choose to use an alias because I can, and because my ego can bear not having to be publically acknowledge for what I say. There are plenty of ghost writers out there. If you listen to the full recording of the most recent Township Committee meeting provided by the Democratic Party, you will hear Brian Nelson state that he has done a lot of ghost writing himself.
Dopey Republican,
Thanks for clarifying some of what Linda Baum actually said. Unfortunately, I don’t think it will prevent some of those (referencing Tom Stokes postings as just one example) from trying to attach unrelated issues and pursuing an agenda that Linda Baum’s commentary did not address.
This is hilarious. Hey Linda Baum supporters. Remember the first rule of getting out of hole….stop digging!!! You people who try and explain and justify her insane comments just keep making it worse. Here’s my take on it….I don’t want the liberal dirtbags teaching my kids about gays. I will teach them all they need to know about them. When my kids go for a job, it won’t help them to know what brand of ky jelly works best, or what stores have the best clothing selection for crossdressers. Great world the Democrats want for our kids.
Question for Miss Baum. What else will you look to “destigmatize?” Bestiality? Pedophilia? Polygamy? Why stop with LGBT stuff? Why not force every perversion on our children? After all, don’t the people whose “sexual preference” for those deserve the same rights as the LGBT people? C’mon Miss Baum, be consistent!!
Is this the best the Middletown Dumocrats got? Just when you thought it couldn’t get any better than a coke and hooker binging candidate, they trot this winner out!
Middletown residents would be lucky to have an elected official with such spot on priorities. Since Red Bank became “an inclusive community” and the council people focused on LGBT issues, taxes are down, traffic is better, there is less crime , and loitering and overcrowding have decreased. Oh, wait……but it is an inclusive community. hooray
S.F. gay rights advocate arrested over child porn
by Rachel Gordon
Published 09:21 p.m., Monday, June 25, 2012
San Francisco police have arrested veteran gay rights advocate Larry Brinkin in connection with felony possession of child pornography.
Brinkin, 66, who worked for the San Francisco Human Rights Commission before his retirement in 2010, was taken into custody Friday night. He spent the night in jail before he was released on bail, according to a spokeswoman for the sheriff’s department.
The district attorney’s office will decide Tuesday whether to file charges. “We’re still reviewing the case,” district attorney’s spokeswoman Stephanie Ong Stillman said Monday.
Police say that Brinkin had pornographic images, some that appear to show children as young as 1 and 2 or 3 years old being sodomized and performing oral sex on adult men, in e-mail attachments linked to his account, according to a search warrant served by San Francisco police.
Representatives of America Online contacted authorities after coming across e-mail attachments from one of its subscriber’s accounts containing what they believed to be child pornography.
The Los Angeles Police Department, which was assigned to the case, traced the IP address associated with the account, [email protected], to Brinkin, a San Francisco resident, according to court records. Los Angeles police forwarded the case to San Francisco police.
San Francisco investigators say the account was registered to Brinkin, and that he paid for the e-mail service with his credit card.
Police provided two examples of e-mail messages from last year in which Zack3737 provides disturbing descriptions of the exploitive sexual acts.
The e-mail account also is linked to Yahoo discussion groups on sexual exploitation of young boys and girls, according to the search warrant.
Executing a search warrant Friday, police seized two laptops, a desk top computer, videos, a floppy disk and thumb drives from Brinkin’s Waller Street home.
During his 22-year tenure at the Human Rights Commission, Brinkin was best known for championing equal rights for gays and lesbians. He helped craft San Francisco’s groundbreaking Equal Benefits Ordinance, which became a national model for workplace equality.
Upon Brinkin’s retirement, the Board of Supervisors approved a resolution declaring the week of Feb. 1, 2010, “Larry Brinkin Week” in San Francisco, saying his “dedication to advance the civil rights of all people has never stopped.”
Former Supervisor Bevan Dufty who authored the board resolution, said Monday that he was shocked to learn of Brinkin’s arrest. “I have admired and respected his work for the LGBT community,” Dufty said. “I respect and am confident that there will be due process.”
Brinkin did not respond to requests for comment Monday.
Rachel Gordon is a San Francisco Chronicle staff writer. E-mail: [email protected] Twitter: @rachelgordonsf
I think she needs a man.
I would doubt that she has come into contact with male DNA for a very long time, if ever.
That is all Baum wants. She should be worried about saving money if she expects to get elected, and even have a chance. as long as the ” D” is along side her name, it’s about spend, spend, and bring more government into your personal lives.
Linda, we don’t need your personal opinions taught to our children, and stop wasting podium time on issues the TC should not be involved in.
You just like to hear yourself talk, and talk is cheap.
No vote for Baum, even Massell is better!, believe it or not!
We don’t care about your girlfriends and your bedroom antics, neither do the children!