Guadagno Disavows Bennett Mailer
Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno says she did not authorize the use of her photo in mailer that John Bennett sent to Monmouth Republican County Committee members seeking support for his candidacy for County Chair.
“I did not authorize the use of my picture,” Guadagno said in an email to a supporter of Bennett’s opponent for County Chair, Christine Hanlon, which was shared with MMM with the Lt. Governor’s permission, “In fact, I did not even know about the use of this picture unti you brought it to my attention.”
Brain Nelson said that he did not authorize the use of his picture either.
Isnt this the kind of behavior that lost kleinberg his re-election for mayor in marlboro when he claimed chris christie was supporting him? interesting. isnt bennett a marlboro boy? I guess the same people that ran kleinbergs re-election are working on bennetts campaign for county chair. look how that turned out.
Isn’t obtaining a photo release for such a mailer, Campaigning 101? Shouldn’t a Chairman candidate know better? An attorney for that matter, know better?
Not a good sign, IMO.
am told that if you do NOT click a “don’t-share” on that stupid and often dangerous Facebook, the photos, where am told these were from, are automatically shared to the world-publically..NOT patented, copyrighted, etc…and, gee,thanks for confirming she’s sitting next to her head of the firm that stands to make millions!!… rots a ruck!..
Bennett needs to go down BIG TIME.
This is sceevy.
Why would JB do this? Isn’t this political suicide in the wake of the storm-cloud hovering over the below listed revelations?? If I recall, Art tried to get a comment from Kim for MMM but Kim did not want to comment
My opinion is that this makes Christine a better choice.
The fact that Brian Nelson didn’t authorize the use of the photo means that he didn’t know about the mailer and it is his job to know all things about the campaign. Nelson didn’t do his job, or he did know and is lying to protect himself?
This is why Bennett is not the correct choice. He is using a slimey rationale, well the photo was on facebook. That does not mean that the Lt. Governor should be included in a campaign flyer. Also, that flyer (cannot call it a mailer since it was personally distributed, had no attribution so it is in the same category as the Bennett attack piece. It also is inaccurate since Christine does support the convention system as evidenced in her latest mailing. Lastly, why should Brain Nelson be privvy to what shenanigans the Bennett camp is up to.
Me thinks the Pilgrim is trying to further the “Brian Nelson Master Puppetter” Tin Foil Hat Theory, in that Nelson has his hands into everything 🙂
Let me tell you this, Brian Nelson is NOWHERE near that good.
Point Blank: ANYONE running for any position should have the common courtesy, if nothing else, to ask the person who is not running to utilize a photo posing with him/her, and definitely when it’s to discredit a fellow Republican. I don’t care where you acquired it from. It proves to me, Bennett is a loose cannon, he abides by his way, his rules and his stupidity. Not the trouble I want in my Party.
Sleezy and Skevy
This is why we MUST elect Christine tonight and unite as the GOP.
Clearly the Hanlon camp is getting desperate. Hanlon used photos from Facebook of the Governor and the Lt. Governor in her own mailings. This is done routinely.
the difference is that apparently Hanlon got permission.
Gee I wonder who the Governors office wants to win?
On this article…
But, I at least must try to make a comment about the following quote from it because I think it ties in with what @different just had to say:
“New Jersey has a Republican Governor who would not have been elected if not for the voter turnout in Monmouth County.”
The Point? Christine Hanlon had a GREAT hand in that voter turnout in Monmouth County and thus is well qualified to be our Chair. Where was John Bennett during that election?
Great point Freespeaker1976. Christine Hanlon has proven herself time and again to be someone who gets the job done.
On the other hand, the drama that Bennett carries with him can only serve to distract the voting public from the candidates he would be representing as Chair.
Like it or not, this is a no-brainer.
The most important thing right now is that Christine supporters MUST ignore the weather and show up “come hell or high water.”
I feel it could be a sizable margin for Christine, but a good friend suggested it may be a low turn out because people might be afraid of “wilting in the rain”.
Gee, did any committee members in Middletown get this mailer? Seems JB isn’t interested in seeking Middletown votes. Several CC members I talked to never even received this mailer.
Don’t want our votes, John?
No problem. Be glad to accommodate you.
I predict the winner will be the candidate who went out and knocked on doors and called committee people and talked to them personally and asked for their vote even if that committee persons town was supposedly against the candidate.
You know the one who actually knows how to campaign.
why wouldn’t ANY candidate worth their salt,want to correct deliberate distortions of his record: just READ the damn thing: all it does is prove Bennett’s FIRM gave much more money to ALL Rep’s, including and especially those with short-term memory- loss, who did not support John!..they’re Facebook pics people! out in the world! bet thousands of people in NJ have casual pics of themselves with the Lt. Gov., ON THEIR WALLS, IN THEIR OFFICES, AND ON THEIR FACEBOOK PAGES- GET OVER IT, FOCUS FOR ONCE, AND READ THE TRUTH THE OTHERS CONVENIENTLY LEFT OUT!
Hopefully, this is the last we’ll ever hear of Bennett. He is absolutely proven to be lower than low.