
Remembering those who made the ultimate sacrifice

Posted: May 28th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: Veterans | Tags: , | 3 Comments »

3 Comments on “Remembering those who made the ultimate sacrifice”

  1. Joe D. said at 1:57 pm on May 28th, 2012:

    Thank you for posting this video Art. Makes you proud to be an American. What an incredible story. We salute you Mr. Thorne. Thank you for your sacrifice.

  2. Mark Falzon said at 5:59 pm on May 28th, 2012:

    Just the photo alone choked me up.

  3. Freespeaker1976 said at 8:04 am on May 29th, 2012:

    An Excellent Post Art.

    Now, I will admit shame for not looking at this earlier, as well as disappointment that there have not been many comments on this post, where as the silliness continues elsewhere on this blog.

    It is these hero’s that made, and will continue to make America the land that it is, a land of exceptionalism; despite political differences that exist.