
Santorum Suspending Presidential Bid

The New York Times is reporting that former Pennsylvania U.S. Senator will announce that he is suspending his campaign for the GOP Presidential nomination this afternoon.

Posted: April 10th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: 2012 Presidential Politics | Tags: , | 12 Comments »

12 Comments on “Santorum Suspending Presidential Bid”

  1. Tom Stokes said at 3:48 pm on April 10th, 2012:

    Now I hope we can all unite to defeat the most ultra liberal/socialist president this country has ever had.

    This intra party feud over who is more conservative, if it continues, will only re-elect the current White House resident.

    Let’s all roll up our sleeves and elect whoever the GOP nominee is, elect good conservatives to Congress, both the House and the Senate, and elect good conservatives to local government (county and town).

    Keep focused – It’s the economy, stupid! Jobs, jobs, jobs.

  2. Bob English said at 6:16 pm on April 10th, 2012:

    Good thing for Santorum and good thing for the party even if the majority of R’s would have had preferred a candidate besides Mitt.

    Santorum did much better than expected and would be a viable candidate for the R nominaton in 2016 (providing the President is reelected and not Romney.) Getting out now and avoiding a possible loss in the upcoming PA. primary maintains that viability.

    Santorum getting out now is good for the party in 2012 since I beleive that Santorum would have had very little chance of beating the President in 2012 if somehow he had won the nomination and could have been looking at huge double diget losses in some states like NJ.

    Even though Romeny was pulled far to the right into crazyland on some issues at least now he can try to hit the reset button!!

  3. ArtGallagher said at 6:35 pm on April 10th, 2012:

    Even though Romeny was pulled far to the right into crazyland on some issues at least now he can try to hit the reset button!!

    Bob, you keep saying that Romney has been pulled right into crazyland. Can you be more specific?

  4. Rob Witterschein said at 8:28 pm on April 10th, 2012:

    The republicans are truly afraid of Ron Paul aren’t they? That’s the only reason why Santorum is dropping out. Let’s face it if Santorum stays in Romney would not the 1,144 delegates needed to win the nomination outright. This would mean that the nomination would have to be decided at the
    GOP convention. Ron Paul will have a good enough of delegates going into the convention, and even if RP doesn’t get the nomination the fact that the delegates would be split going in would cause a ruckus within the party. So the plan is simple: Santorum drops out, gives his delegates to Romney so he can win the nomination ASAP and block out Ron Paul.

    There is no real difference between Santorum and Romney

  5. Gene Baldassari said at 10:06 pm on April 10th, 2012:

    Although Romney’s nomination is almost assured, it is NOT guaranteed. All four will still be on the ballot. There were other occassions in history where the front runner did not get the nod at the convention.

    Santorum can unsuspend his campaign at any time and Gingrich, Paul, and Santorum are still fighting for delegates.

  6. Observer said at 5:37 am on April 11th, 2012:

    With less than 100 delegates pledged to him Ron Paul will have almost no influence. Why would anyone worry about Ron Paul at this stage of the game?

    Santorum was worried about the possiblity of being embarassed by losing or barely winning his home state. Addtionally, even if he won the state, the delegates are unpledged so it would be entirely possible he would have come away with less delegates in Pa. than Romney.

  7. Gene B said at 7:35 am on April 11th, 2012:

    A note to “Observer”..

    Only one State has awarded their delegates – North Dakota. One State. Everything else is based on projections that are driven by wishful thinking.

    Romney will probably win because of the illusion that he is ahead. But it is not over. You need 1144 delegates and Romney has less than 1/4th of them.

    Even if he wins all of the projected delegates, he still would not be half way there.

  8. Observer said at 7:52 am on April 11th, 2012:

    You are incorrect, some States have already awarded the delegates by Congressional District . Ohio for one had slates of people already elected.

  9. Gene B. said at 9:15 am on April 11th, 2012:

    There is too much misinformation going around about the Primaries. At this point, those who want Romney are acting like he has won already. If that illusion continues, he will win on the first ballot. But he is not even half way there. Here is a five minute clip from an Ohio local Fox station that explains it well.


  10. ArtGallagher said at 9:25 am on April 11th, 2012:

    It’s over Gene. Romney will win on the first ballot.

  11. Bob English said at 11:24 am on April 11th, 2012:

    It’s over for sure. Romney is going to win on the first ballot.

    Answering Arts question above. I want to note first that I had previosuly stated that I thought Romney and Huntsman were by far the best two R candidates just in terms of having the experience and smarts to be President. (That does not mean you have to agree with them on everything and granted there were several other more conservative candidates in the race even though a few of them had no business being anywhere near the White House.)

    As for Romney…I liked the old version (pre-flip/flop version) a lot better than the current version espeically since he flipped to far right positions on a number of issues. As Santorum said, Romeny has been on two sides of almost every major issue.

    To name a few where he is far out of step with aprox 60-70% of the American people are: Support of the Blunt-Rubio ammendment (changed positions the same day.)….Support of the personhood bills some of which ban certain forms of birth controll and in vitro fertilization)….Stood with the other R candidates in a debate and said they would refuse a deal of $10 in spending cuts for every $1 in tax increases. (Aprox 70% of Americans are in favor of a deficit reduction plan which would have huge spending cuts and some tax increases on top earners…Buffet Rule, etc.)…..Romney joined the other candidates in seeing who could out extreme each other on immigration policy. Against the Dream Act, ect…..”Get rid of Planned Parenthood” even though 97% of their services are for womens health and have nothing to do with abortion (which is another flip-flop)…..backed off previous statements about Global Warming

    It’s actually hard to say for sure what he actually believes on many of these issues. If he wins, I hope he does get out the etch-a-sketch and reverts to what he used to say he believed on many of these issues until he decided to run for President.

  12. TR said at 8:04 pm on April 12th, 2012:

    If thats Crazy Land I am getting my ticket today. Sounds like paradise.
    Best part is no RHINO’S there.