Biden To Attend Menendez Fundraiser in Morris Township Tonight
Kyrillos has a New Jersey style welcome for the Vice President
I wonder how much of Corzine’s missing $1.2 billion will end up in Menendez’s coffers.
“It’s disturbing that Joe Biden gets his economic advice from non-other than Jon Corzine, the same man that nearly bankrupted New Jersey and has since bankrupted MF Global,” said Senator Joe Kyrillos. “Corzine is also the same man that appointed Bob Menendez to the Senate. No wonder our economy is in so much trouble.”
Since Bob Menendez was appointed by Jon Corzine to fill his seat in the Senate, the national debt has jumped from $8.1 trillion to $15.3 trillion, the annual deficit has grown from $250 billion to over $1 trillion and unemployment has risen from 4.7% to 8.3%.
“The Corzine-Biden-Menendez economic team promises nothing but more of the same – more spending, more debt, more job-killing regulations. With a record like that why would anyone listen to what they say?” added Kyrillos.
and they will, and they will get support, from the uninformed leaches, and so it goes.. how sad NJ truly is..