Kyrillos Love Fest

Senator Joe Kyrillos addresses the Monmouth County Lincoln Day dinner. Photo Credit: Rhoda Chodosh
The Abraham Lincoln impersonator played second fiddle to U.S. Senate candidate Joe Kyrillos at the Monmouth County Lincoln Day Dinner last night in Atlantic Highlands.
The annual dinner is named for Lincoln. Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno was the keynote speaker. The night belonged to Kyrillos. The name of Monmouth County’s favorite son who is challenging Bob Menendez for one of New Jersey’s seats in the United States Senate was stuck on most lapels and his photograph was prominently projected on the wall behind the stage.
The Republican faithful who had not already signed Kyrillos’ nominating petitions at his campaign kickoff were lining up to do so.
The enthusiasm for Kyrillos, who is on the verge of exceeding the required 1000 signatures required to get on the primary ballot stood in stark contrast to the reception that his potential primary opponent, former Highlands Mayor Anna Little, received while working the Lincoln Day crowd.
Working the very same room where she defiantly refused to concede defeat in 2010, but rather declared a 2012 rematch against Congressman Frank Pallone, Little and her manager, Larry Cirigano, struggled to get signatures on her U.S. Senate nominating petition. Little resorted to erroneously telling polite Kyrillos supporters that it was OK to sign more than one nominating petition for the same race.
Any signatures that appear on more than one nominating petition will be invalidated should the petitions be challenged.
Little received polite applause during the ritual roll call acknowledgement of present and former elected officials. Kyrillos received a standing ovation during his introduction of Guadagno.
“Little resorted to erroneously telling polite Kyrillos supporters that it was OK to sign more than one nominating petition for the same race.
Any signatures that appear on more than one nominating petition will be invalidated should the petitions be challenged.”
Any violations of law here starting with fraud?
Try not to take this friendly comment the wrong way, but could some Tea Party member(s) help me out here? What voting history, platform, etc differentiates Romney and Kyrillos that there seems to be support, or at least tolerance, for one and not the other?
You’re welcome to shoot me an email j (as in just the first letter of my name) hogan at long branch republicans . com if you don’t want to post here — I really am genuinely curious and interested in trying to understand the reasons or reasoning. Otherwise, Art — maybe you can make some calls and try to figure it out and share your findings? Something seems amiss.
State Senator Kyrillos will not be able to defeat US Senator Menendez. They are identical in contrast giving the edge to the incumbent.
Illegal immigration – Both did nothing.
Unemployment – Both caused it.
Dirty donations – Both accepted them.
Foreclosures – Both did nothing.
Health insurance – Kyrillos gets caddie benefits for part-time position in Senate.
Debt – Both caused it in NJ.
Change – Both are career politicians.
Reality – Public goes with incumbent by default.
Well we sure will not beat Menedez with that upbeat attitude.
James, I sent you an email. I hope I was able to answer your question.
The biggest difference is Kryillos gave them $1000 and Romney did not. l hope Santorum is helping them pay their rent now that they have embarressed themselves.