Kiss Your Own Damn Baby! And How To Garner 11% Of The Vote
By Tommy DeSeno, also published at
An old friend of mine is running for state Assembly in New Jersey. He is an independent, and has one of the more interesting campaigns you will see.
Dan Jacobson served one term in the Assembly over 20 years ago when he was in his 20s – as a Democrat.
As a more mature adult today, he has thrown off the barbed reins of the Democratic dark side. He now sees himself as fiscally conservative as the rest of us, ranting in his weekly newspaper (disclaimer – I used to rant in columns for it) about the problems with unions and politics, among other issues Republicans would like.
On social issues he is a Libertarian, though a bit libertine for some tastes. The only thing left of his old Democrat ways as far as I can tell is that Dan doesn’t seem to know what a baby is or where one hangs out the first 9 months of his or her life.
Which is probably why he won’t kiss yours.
What truly makes his campaign interesting is the way he runs it: He takes no donations. He seeks no endorsements. He holds no rallies. He has no staff. He networks with no one.
Truly independent! His goal seems to be a campaign that isn’t one, by a candidate who refuses to be one; thus his refusal to honor the political tradition of kissing your baby. He wants to go to Trenton not owing anyone anything. Good luck with that, Dan.
I once ran a political experiment and found that a truly independent candidate who runs only on issues and seeks no endorsements gets 11% of the vote. That’s important – every campaign manager in America should know that issues will garner 11% of the vote. I predict Dan will get 11% of the vote.
In the meantime, check out more of his funny newspaper ads that he has run about his campaign. They are different, and it will make you smile that this campaign is real:
Always enjoy a Tommy DeSeno column!
But what DeSeno left out is that my campaign was much more powerful than he described.
Of course I had my commentary in my newspaper, as well as a campaign there to urge people who support me to bullet vote. In fact, I”ve gotten a ton of response on my bullet voting effort. People totally get it. Surprisingly, that includes those who are not active in party politics.
More importantly, I sent out four mailings districtwide to everyone of all parties which were extremely effective, based on the feedback I”m getting.
The best feedback, of course, is that the Republicans immediately began attacking me by name with three mailings, one of which imitated my own style of mailers. No problem with what the GOP did with me. Totally within bounds. Plus it totally legitimized my campaign and boosted my name recognition. I don’t want to sound greedy, or be an ingrate, but I wouldn’t have minded one more attack piece from the Republicans. Nonetheless, I’m grateful for their assistance.
What they did with Vin Gopal, however, was a disgrace. But that’s well known. It should cost them the election.
As a result of all this, it is now impossible to predict what will happen tomorrow. I can see any combination of winners. Looking forward to the results!
And if I win or run extremely well, oh boy, will I look forward to rubbing it in the face of some of those who post comments here.
Bullet vote! Send your message!
Dan Jacobson
Nothing like someone blowing his own smoke. I suggest Dan the Flim Flam Man will come in no higher than 8%.
big house wins, angelini loses
I don’t know, Blowin Smoke. I think some of the anonymous pussies on this site have said no more than 80 votes.
Tell you what: I’ll double your 8 percent and predict a minimum of 16 percent for Dan the Flim Flam man. And a maximum of victory.
Dan Jacobson
Due to that mailer it seems I may have to support Mr. Jackass and Gopal. I can not bring myself to support Santiago so I will have to recomend a write in for Senate. I think it is time we send a message that we REPUBLICANS expect high standards of character from our candidates. If they are going to act like sleazy Democrats throw them the hell out. Many will castigate me for this but I don’t care. I am sick of politicians of all stripes.
I am told robo calls went out from the Gov. Chris Smith and Beck. Plus l alot of polling going on in last week. I think some people are nervous.
TR, it would be my honor to have your vote. Of course, I always expected to get it in the end. I knew you’d come to your senses. Unfortunately, I believe you live outside the district, correct?
You were a great President, sir. Dead or not, glad to see your fine character is showing through in that latest post.
Dan Jacobson
High Standards? I guess this is high standards for Democrats; backing Candidates who worked for corrupt politicians and having corrupt NJEA paying for the horrendous Ads they put out against the Republicans.
Don’t get too excited Danny Boy. If I was in your distrct ( and maybe I am and maybe I ain’t ) I would be holding my nose in the voting booth and looking forward to voting you out in two years.
It is unfortunate that my paty needs a spanking to learn a lesson.
I just don’t see how someone can vote for someone who was a Democrat, then planned to run in the REPUBLICAN primary against Sean Kean, and then runs as an Independent as Jacobson has done.
Wow, he has great advertising. That’s about it. Everything else is phoney with Jacobson. We all know his main issue is that of gay marriage, an issue that barely shows up on most everyone’s scale of issues..
Such person who can flip flop voter affiliations so often has no “center” and can not be trusted.
If that person was a life long Independent, that’s one thing and I might be convinced to give that person a chance. In this case, it is a “non affiliation” of convenience, which blares SELF CENTERED.
There is something to say for Mr. Hogan’s position that Beck, et al at least come closer to our Republican ideals. I just don’t know if I can actually come to pull the lever any more for RINOs.
I still remember the distinct bad taste I got in my mouth voting for John McLame in 2008.
But I certainly can’t stomach voting for Jacobson who has no center as far as party affiliation and I could never vote for any Democrat.
So, what do I do?
My feeling at this moment is bullet voting, YES BULLET VOTING Casagrande. Mary Pat lost my vote on the anti bullying law and a few other things. Beck is a show boat that needs to learn a lesson so I feel extremely uncomfortable voting for her.
Let’s face it, we got shortchanged loosing Sean Kean, Beck will never fill his shoes.
Of course, this is all subject to change when I enter the voting booth and I may decide to “Toe The Line, Or Not”
Just like I got TR in the end, I’ll get you when you get in the voting booth. You’ll vote for freedom so you’ll vote for me.
That’s why I’m independent, whether running as an Independent in the general or basically raiding a GOP primary as an Independent which I was going to do against the ultimate phony Sean Kean, and his public sector employee union laden campaign warchest.
I was in the middle of the muck 20 years ago down in Trenton. I know what it’s like. Both political parties are bullshit. You know it and I know it. I’m for freedom with economics, and I’m for freedom against government in your personal life. That’s what I’m about.
So vote Jacobson. Because in your heart, you know I”m right.
Plus, I ran all your comments prominently one week in my column in my paper. Visit click on issues and click on the article “Jacobson doesn’t have the character or the brains”. You were the star of the show. I made you buddy. You got to return the favor. Or I’ll never give you another 15 minutes of fame again.
My best,
Dan Jacobson
Dan Jacaobson said:
“So vote Jacobson. Because in your heart, you know I”m right”
Dan, you must be delusional; like with your thoughts about gaining 16% of the vote.
I am still rolling on the floor laughing my ass off.
NEVER, EVER in your lifetime would I vote for you. You have no moral center as far as politics goes. You’re full of your own BS.
Have A Nice Day 🙂
And, of course, a lovely day to you, too, Mr. Freespeaker1976.
Dan Jacobson