Meet Bill Shea
He Wants To Be A Monmouth County Freeholder

Democratic Freeholder Candidate Bill Shea, right. Photo credit Andrea Tarr
What ever happened to kissing babies?
Democratic Freeholder Candidate Bill Shea, right. Photo credit Andrea Tarr
What ever happened to kissing babies?
Do you know he was a former NJ State Trooper? And he is about 100 years younger than Madame Burry? Maybe its time to retire that old wax figure and put in some new and younger blood that does not have ties to Burnham, Art Goodwin and the good ‘ol boys network of cronies.
what the hell does that hand sign mean anyway?
I know what that sign means! It’s not good. I am more concerned that the lady in the picture is doing it!
The lady in the picture is in a rock band and she’s not running for any office
OK, I’ll bite. What the heck does that sign mean? It certainly isn’t Spock’s “Live Long and Prosper”.
Does Art always have to wallow in the in the muck and mud during “silly season” ?
Try seeing the whole picture for a change. The political landscape in this country. everywhere,is dysfunctional and it’s about time to try mustering reason and put things in proper perspective. Our very survival may depend on it!
This was the conclusion stated by a noted
columnist,Kathleen Parker, in an article about “America must heal itself” in the Sunday newspapers this week.
Most people want government that works and functions and serves the people. Political affiliation is an after thought.
count on the failed Colts Neck candidate to trash a person who’s done a good job for many years, on local and county levels: guess what?.. everybody gets older, age happens, it doesn’t mean they still don’t have anything to offer: Ted Narozanick at 90 is still “with-it,” and serving, on the seniors board, is being honored for his decades of dedication, on Weds…is it true this guy’s “retired” on a state police “disability,”, at 32?.. another one looking for something to do?..he has been to exactly 2 freeholder meetings thus far, has absolutely zero knowledge/experience/service- of, with, and for this county, you can’t dispute that fact..heard this was the last resort, as few in the party wanted to run with AM.. whatever, am guessing he’ll be another “one-minute wonder” in the annals of county elective history,we shall see, soon enough..
“Noted” columnist—noted for the lowest rated show in CNN history-Parker is nothing more than a leftist tool with zero following………………….
Are all republicans so biased and got their heads so far in the sand or “somewhere” else that everything ,including the welfare of this country or this state or this county that it doesn’t matter as long as they get their own way regardless ?
Opinions are like AH’s ,Brian, everyone has one and at times they all stink ! Yours too!
Well…yes, I have run in the past…and been defeated…by way less than the you would think. Let me ask you anonymous coward “we can always”…have you ever put yourself out there and run? Or do you just hide and comment. I would think its the latter. But, regardless, you missed my entire point that its about time for some new blood without ties to the old regimes. She called her good friend Art Goodwin “Colts Neck Royalty”…and then it came out that he embezzled over $300K from the people of Colts Neck. Nice work if you can get it. Not too mention that this is her mindset…there’s “Royalty”, which she always thinks that way of herself…and then there’s the rest of the little people. She needs to be retired. Let her still serve on the countless boards she’s still on…but lets get her out of the Freeholder position so we don’t have any more of her friends…ie: Burnham, Goodwin, etc. destroying this county.
And what has Milhous done that works???
and, to play at your level, your breath smells like my opinion.
Wow – the compassionate, tolerant, uber liberal Rick Ambrosia has sunk to an all time low by attacking a woman over her appearance and age. Typical liberal hypocrisy. As for the picture – it is typical of the caliber of candidates that the Democrats dredge up. Like the island of misfit toys, he fits right in. I understand that is the same symbol that Alex Deceive-o used when he wanted to order two vials of crack.
Can anyone answer what the heck that symbolism means? Jersey Girl?
Somebody enlighten us. Is the tongue sticking out part of it.
Thats not the two in the fun one in the bum sign is it? (theres another name for it i can’t remember)
Brian….are you now a Lhaso Apso that stinks at both ends ?
Proud Republican…I’m sorry…but I can’t really stand Madame Burry and her elitist outlook on everything Monmouth. She’s despicable. Just a personal opinion and I hope she loses by a large margin.
For those who have been asking the meaning of Shea’s gesture….
I’ve learned more today about gestures, symbols and sign language than I ever thought I’d know, and I still do not have a definitive answer for you.
The hand symbol is sign language for “I Love You,” but that is expressed palm out, not back handed. No tongue in I Love You.
It “might be” an emerging derivation of the “Rock On” symbol credited to Ronnie James Dio of Black Sabbath and/or Beavus and Butthead. However, Dio used a closed thumb with the index finger and picky out. Dio’s symbol is also “the sign of satan” or sign if the goat. It is also a rallying gesture for fans of the Texas Longhornes.
I think ‘jersey girl” got the symbol confused with the symbol for cunnilingus. If so, she got it wrong. That symbol is the V, index and forefinger, (Victory or Peace Sign depending on your age and politics) with the tongue stuck out through the fingers.
The twenty something daughter of a friend of mine who has a degree in sign language says Shea and friend’s symbol means “Rock On.” I couldn’t get a second opinion and no one seems to know what “Rock On” means.
How much do you want to bet they name a building for her at Brookdale (I mean for Lillian, not the girl in the photo….LOL) ?
Rock On, Thats not very titilatting? and that doesn’t explain why they are sticking there tongues out. Wait I have it. I figured it out. It’s because they are DUFUSES.
Anyway, ROCK ON Art
Hey Rick,
You sitting down? While I think dispicable is a little strong, I gotta tell you I am not voting for her. Lets just say I think the Republican party needs new blood and she is too old school.
LOL…I just fell off my chair TR! Ok, maybe its a little strong…but I have no respect for her at all. Too many ties to too many corrupt individuals.
count on the unsuccessful lib Colts Neck candidate to resort to childish name-calling and incorrect, ignorant assumptions..( by the way, why do you live “right” but think/vote “left”, anyway?)..BTW, am anon for my own reasons..if not credible, would be blocked by the blog answer the latest wrong assumptions, ran 3 times: won twice, lost once, higher level, entrenched incumbent.. doesn’t matter how much one loses by, a loss is a loss, correct?..additonally,ran more than 2 dozen winning campaigns, and worked hard on many others, at all levels..invite anyone to match the record of time spent and successes gained, over many years.. also, if the county was being so “destroyed,” why are we still a Triple-A rated county,by 3 agencies,for good financial management, with many national awards for great programs, facilities, and services?..would advise anyone to try and put aside personal gripes, dislikes,jealousies, and agendas, when in the campaign business, and focus instead on qualifications for office, experiences, values, abilities, and community service, when backing this current climate/mindset, I’d also be more careful, when throwing around inflammatory terms and accusations without proof,as well! ..time will tell if your long-time hatred of the Freeholder is shared by the majority of voters, this year, but, I doubt it!
“by the way, why do you live “right” but think/vote “left”, anyway?”…what the hell does this mean?
And if you have run and won, then why not use your real name when posting? Still sounds cowardly to me…whatever the reasons. She’s a disgrace to the office and nothing will change that. She’s vindictive and really, not a nice person. Unless, of course, you really are Burry and posting anonymously. What accusations have I thrown around? She was a friend to Burnham…and we know how that ended…and she was a BFF to Goodwin and he ended up being a thief and a liar. Isn’t it the republicans who says you are who hang with? (ie: Rev. Wright, Ayers, etc.) And really, if you did all you say you did (I seriously doubt it..), then use your name and stop hiding. A coward by any other name is still a coward….not name calling, just calling it as I see it. If you’re so proud of your accomplishments, come out of the closet.
It was brought to my attention by a former law enforcement official that the symbol is also a “blood sign” of the Latin Kings gang.
I doubt the Latin Kings were on Shea’s mind when he made the gesture. However as a former state trooper, he must be familiar with gang signs. He should have know better to use it, even if that is not what he meant.
Wow!! I have never seen so much attention given to a simple “Rock On” sign. Pathetic, especially when there is so much serious stuff going on in the county. Did you all know that the majority Republican Board of Choosen Freeholders voted to raise your county taxes? I can see how a simple picture posted on the “Fair and Balanced Monmouth Musings” would mean more. (PS “Fair and Balanced” is Fox News’ thing- way to be original). Does any one know what he stands for??? Any one do ANY research? Or just check out the “informational” website?
Yes, he is a retired NJ State Trooper and the disability isn’t a joke. He was injured twice while on duty protecting your freedom to post on your nasty comments online. He was on duty. He has an immaculate service record and he is a fiscale conservative- meaning he would not have voted to raise your county taxes. I suggest before just looking at a picture and reading a piece done by such a “fair and balanced” website, you do your home work- maybe leave the desk and the computer and find out what some one’s all about before posting stupid comments.
“Fair and Balanced Monmouth Musings” would mean more. (PS “Fair and Balanced” is Fox News’ thing- way to be original).
Read the masthead again Monmouth Resident. Slowly, one letter at a time if you have to.
Reading comprehension is a research skill.
How about fair and unbalanced
Monmouth resident, how much did your county tax go up? Just wondering, because mine went down.
Fair and Biased? Why bother even printing it?
Chris- the county budget went up $10.9 million dollars. You might not have seen it yet, but they will go up. And they board has just asked to raise it again. When the county budget goes up, either your taxes go up or you lose shared services.
The budget as it stands now is $496 million, up $10.9 million in 1 year. There are 40,000 monmouth cty residents are out of work right now. The Repubs are doing a fantastic job. Monmouth Park is for sale, had a buyer, who’s backing out because of unstable taxes. So look for even higher unemployment in the county.
Keep voting Republican and you can expect more of the same!
Art, I am running too, I just do not have an exciting picture to offer. At least one that I am aware of.
Would you like advertising rates?
Sure, tell me where to send the check.
I also will be accepting contributions, so I am sure we can work something out.
more of the same here in Monmouth, with the GOP in-charge, thanks..if the D’s had their way, there’d be even more folks out of work, they’d have illegally tapped the twice-voter-passed open space trust fund to balance the budget, there’d not have been a zero-increase at the county level in the past 2 yrs., and we’d have lost the “triple A bond rating, for sure.. if ya have to live in NJ, Monmouth is far and away still the best county, thanks to GOP Freeholders of the past and present.. of course,one can always move, if they are so unhappy with their county.. and, as for being a “coward,” perhaps the failed CN candidate, never learned “discretion is the better part of valor”, and people have a right to their anonymity, for their reasons, in this type of files and the election numbers and results are full proof of successes, you can believe of not believe, that’s fine,(Art knows the truth),so could care less what one negative and unhappy blogger out there thinks.. and, if you don’t get what “lives right and votes left” means, you’ve answered the question already, and that’s the issue….hope you have a great day in the town you seem to hate so much!..
Ok Lillian…whatever you say.
I am sooo sorry I am so late to clear the mass confusion that apparently has you all so worried. I am the one in the picture and if any of you took the time to do the research you would know I am a drummer in a Rock Band that owns a Cake shoppe called Confections of a Rock$tar. The symbol, for the few of you are correct…Rock on, the tongue is MY image from being a drummer. I do hope not many of you lost sleep over this when there are so many americans losing sleep because they’re hungry….