
Golden: “Most Reasonable People” Are Complying With Evacuation Orders

Additional Shelters May Be Brought Online

By Art Gallagher

Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden told MMM that “most reasonable people” are complying with the voluntary and mandatory evacuation orders in Monmouth County due to Hurricane Irene.   Surfers are a notable exception.

“Surfers will be surfers,” said Golden, “We’re warning them that we will cease rescue operations with the gail force winds emerge.”

Golden said that the shelter at Holmdel High School had 160 people housed.  Almost 200 people were sheltered at Wall High School.  The county is coordinating with the Red Cross to open five addition shelters if needed.  Colts Neck High School will be one of the shelters.  The others will be announced via radio, through municipalities and on the county web site when and if they are about to be opened.

Posted: August 27th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Emergency Management, Hurricane Irene, Shaun Golden | Tags: , , | Comments Off on Golden: “Most Reasonable People” Are Complying With Evacuation Orders

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