Jacobson Said To Be Running For Assembly In The 11th
By Art Gallagher
Sources within the Monmouth County Democratic Organization have told MMM that former Democratic Assemblyman and tri-City News publisher Dan Jacobson is running for Assembly in the 11th legislative district as a third party candidate.
Jacobson declined to comment. What a kitten. KITTEN, KITTEN, KITTEN!
Jacobson, who served in the Assembly as a Democrat in 1990 and 1991, switched his party affiliation to Republican last March in order to challenge 11th district Senator Sean Kean in the Republican primary. When Kean was moved into the 30th district with the new legislative map, Jacobson declined to run in the Republican primary for either Senate or Assembly. At the time, Jacobson told MMM “it doesn’t feel right, I like the incumbents. It wouldn’t be like challenging Sean Kean.”
If he runs, Jacobson would be challenging Republican incumbents Mary Pat Angelini and Caroline Casagrande and Democratic challengers Vin Gopal and Marilyn Schlossbach.
As an anti-government worker union fiscal hawk, Jacobson could draw votes from the Republicans. As a strong supporter of gay marriage…the issue that prompted him to consider a challenge to Kean…he could draw votes from the Democrats.
Which side do you think a Jacobson candidacy would help and hurt? Could he possibly win? Please tell us in the comments.
He actually makes for an interesting candidate if you look at his issues.
He is as fiscally conservative as the Republican Candidates. Some people will vote for him just for that.
He seems to be a legal libertarian on social issues, which could draw votes from both the right and the left.
The 90 gay votes he will pick up isn’t worth mentioning.
He’ll kill his competition in the live debates if there are any. In fact, with him in the race, there won’t be. The others won’t risk it.
Perfect candidate? I’ve never seen one. But he’ll make for an interesting choice.
Do the words “duplicitous rear end schmuck” mean anything?
OK…off topic, but breaking news:
Please there aren’t 10 Republicans who would vote for Jacobson