James O’Keefe Strikes Again
By Art Gallagher
James O’Keefe, the citizen journalist well known for his undercover videos exposing inappropriate and criminal activity at ACORN and the NJEA has struck again. This time National Public Radio was his target.
In the video released today NPR Senior Executive Ron Schiller and fundraiser Besty Liley meet with two O’Keefe associates posing as members of a Muslim Brotherhood front group who are considering a $5 million donation to NPR.
Throughout the video, Schiller bashes Republicans and the Tea Party, calling them racist and xenophobic. He says that liberals are more intelligent and informed than conservatives.
Schiller says that NPR would be better off without federal funding. I say let’s be informed by his intelligence and cut the funding off.
O’Keefe will be the guest speaker at the Bayshore Tea Party’s St. Patrick’s Day Celebration on Thursday March 17th from 7PM -9PM at Ye Cottage Inn in Keyport. No word on whether green tea and/or green tea will be served.
Really? $50 to hear a criminal talk? Wow…
Beat me to it. Thanks Art.
We’re told there will be a special “themed” cocktail but dammed if I know what it is.
Can’t wait! It will be a great night!
Hi Art,
It’s been awhile I know but this was just too good to pass up.
Given that you were carping about Mr. Schiller’s allegedly asserting “liberals” (as everyone knows, your favorite bogeymen) were “smarter, ” the irony of your misspelled title (James O’Keefe “Stikes” Again) was an absolute delight.
Thanks for the laugh,
NPR Hot Shot Resigns Over New James O’Keefe Sting…
I am glad Mr. Schiller thinks NPR would be better of without Federal Funding.
I think I would be better off if NPR didn’t get Federal Funding so he and I are in agreement that NPR should not get Federal Funding.
So no problem then when it gets cut.
$35 for the Affiliated Club Candidates Dinner vs. $50 for the Tea Party thing. Me Thinks the Tea Party is asking too much.
Of course, that’s on top of anyone considering attending Curley’s event @ $60.
Folks, the grass roots are not wealthy. Too many things this month and I suspect the Tea Party event is the “one too many.”
If a couple is attending all, that’s close to $300 bucks in one month alone, and THAT’S not including the cash bar!
The way to get more County Committee people involved are more LOWER cost events.