This Incident Is Clearly The Result Of Vitriolic Conservative Rhetoric
With a dose of voo-doo thrown in
George Bush, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh should stop praying for the fall of the Clintons and the stumbling of the Obama administration.
You know who would just love your pathetic attempt to mine some humor from this national tragedy. Dallas Green. I’m sure he’ll need a good laugh when he gets back from his granddaughter’s funeral. Email it to him. I’m sure he’ll get back to you with a big thank you.
Way to reinforce what an a$$hole you are.
What a baby.
Her repeatedly falling on her brains provides some explanation for her vile, insane ramblings on extremists.
Remember, in their distorted world, protesting Obama and his commie policies is equivalent to Islamic Jihad.
Art, you are inciting people to push Hillary down the steps.
🙂 🙂
How about YOU be shocked by the LEFT wing media trying to “mine” political capital from this tragedy, despite all indications that the shooter did not listen to radio or watched tv, was stalking Giffords for years, blaming Sarah Palin.
EVERYTHING shows that he was a leftist in nature. Hell, that socialist Bernie Sanders is FUNDRAISING off of this tragedy.
Did you know that Sheriff Arpaio and Sarah Palin were hung in effigy?
The question is Shocked, why aren’t you questioning these things?
lt’s really not fair to Shocked to cloud up
the debate with facts.
You got it right Shocked but not Surprised. The attempts to minimize a national tragedy are true to form for the current crop of self declared “patriots”. Next, these geniuses will claim the term “blood libel, ridiculously used by Sarah Palin in her latest ramblings, was never used against the Jews, and really applies to THEM.
Wow shocked and pathetic – no one likes angry, humorless liberals. It is the absurd far left liberal whackos that are using this tragedy to try and score political points. These are the same America-hating liberals who unmercifully berated and vilified George Bush and are now complaining about the tone of the discourse in this country. You guys wrote the book. That nut Laughner is one of your own – a liberal Marxist who gushes over the communist manifesto. Art has skillfully taken your own lame indignation and used it to make the point of how ridiculous you are. Thanks for proving him right.
……….You know what’s Pathetic, that far-right wacko Bernie Sanders mentioning
the murders 12 times in a fund-raising letter. Oh, those evil tea partiers!!!
ps–an earthquake is a tragedy, these were Murders, there is a distinction.
To a liberal, a sense of humor is the equivalent of wearing a hair shirt.
My question is do these moonbats actually believe what they are saying or does it just fit nicely with an agenda they are trying to move forward. I can’t help but think they are either ignorant or liars. Ignorance can be overcome with a little work but if they are spewing this vitriol against their political opponents just to try and gain ground then they are nothing but necrophiliacs.
I love the term moonbat.
That is all.
Aren’t the libs the ones who came up with that The Assassination of George W Bush movie, and then they gave it some awards? Can you imagine if we’d come up with a sequel called The Shooting of Barrack H Obama??
Do you think Saturday Night Live will have as much fun with Hillary falling down as they had with Gerald Ford?