
Curley will be Deputy Freeholder Director

By Art Gallagher

Freeholder John Curley will be named Deputy Director of the Freeholder Board when Monmouth County’s government reorganizes on Thursday afternoon at the Monmouth County Biotech High School, 5000 Kozloski Rd, Freehold.  As previously reported, Rob Clifton will be elected Director by his colleagues.

Neptune City Mayor Tom Arnone will be sworn in as Freeholder.  Shaun Golden, who has been Acting Sheriff since Kim Guadagno became Lt. Governor will be sworn in to his own term as Sheriff.  Arnone is expected to resign the mayoralty in Neptune City effective tomorrow.

Posted: January 4th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Monmouth County | Tags: | 13 Comments »

13 Comments on “Curley will be Deputy Freeholder Director”

  1. Jim Sage, Marlboro said at 11:52 am on January 4th, 2011:

    Congratulations to all! Art, you and John have assisted me several years ago in exposing the largest academic fraud committed by a school district in this state–I applaud both of you. I don’t know John, but associates down the shore have excellent things to say about him, regarding his municipal managerial skills. I’m sure he will bring these skills to the table to make Monmouth County, one of the finer county’s to reside in.

  2. Jim Sage, Marlboro said at 9:09 pm on January 4th, 2011:

    Correction: I said John, I meant Tom Arnone…congrats!

  3. Thank God said at 11:19 pm on January 4th, 2011:

    Thank God they are finally putting a true conservative in Monmouth County leadership!

  4. F'd up neighbor? « Quit Smoking Fast said at 5:04 am on January 5th, 2011:

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  5. Jim said at 8:41 am on January 5th, 2011:

    It doesn’t matter who is running the Monmouth County government. Jail guards will, with overtime, continue to make $200K a year. Other government employees will continue to receive overly generous pensions and other benefits that precious few in the private sector receive. Taxes will continue to rise.

    Thankfully, I will be leaving this liberal swamp soon. Hello, Arizona.

  6. Jim Sage, Marlboro said at 12:37 pm on January 5th, 2011:

    You cannot blame the officers. Overtime is there, and they can and should take advantage of it. I do blame management. The jail staffing is woefully inadequate. Absenteeisim is very high (as with any correctional facility) however, there is little or no discipline with abusers of the sick policy.

    Sheriff Golden will be sworn in soon; however, he has been in an acting capacity for over a year with no noticeable and appreciable change in jail operations.

    The culture of the management is one of silence, or should I say paranoia and thus a mentality of “circling the wagons.”

    The silence of an inexplicable death and failure to at least communicate with the family of a young man from my town is inexcusable. I recently requested information from the Public Information Officer–and she refuses to give it to me.

    There will be change–hold off on that move to Arizona.

  7. ArtGallagher said at 12:47 pm on January 5th, 2011:


    I deleted some derisive comments about your activities vis a vis the sheriff’s office as they were off topic and I didn’t want this thread to go in that direction. Now that you have taken it the conversation there, the comments will be allowed if they are resubmitted ( and not vulgar).

    If you would like to submit your own column or posts on the topic, you know how to do so.

  8. Such continuing sour grapes!.. said at 4:05 pm on January 5th, 2011:

    if the jail and county leaders were so screwed up, in this particularly bad economy, they’d not have won so large in Nov..some people are like a dog with a piece of meat: they just growl and chew harder, and not give it up..so much of what local gov’ts. do,by and large, is mandated by either fed. or state laws/reg’s., of which most of us believe, thee are way too many!…the more reg’s, the more people and time and paperwork, to get it all done, and pass all the inspections, audits, compliance,etc.. there simply has to be coverage at a certain level, for the little darlings at the jail: it was/is up to the gov. bodies whether that level of coverage is to be done by less people for more overtime, or more people( remember the ,09 firing of over 100 bodies),at less overtime, but more benefits..do the math, and perhaps back better candidates, next time..

  9. absolutely sour grapes said at 4:45 pm on January 5th, 2011:

    Sour grapes may be an understatement. The rediculous accusations Brophy, and his minions are making remind me of the ramblings of Eric Cartman, in an unfunny sort of way.

  10. You lost, get over it said at 5:45 pm on January 5th, 2011:

    Sour grapes is an understatement. You should see all the conspiracy theory bullshit that Brophy is putting on facebook. It’s like a bad sit com.

  11. Jim McMahon said at 11:15 pm on January 5th, 2011:

    Art, I don’t blame you for censoring some of my remarks. Truth be told, and if I were in your shoes, I’d do the same .

    That said, I’d love nothing more than to have Mike Halfacre and David Rible sue me. If these liberal, unprincipled, RINOs sue me, I get to question them under oath. (And because I have an umbrella policy, getting sued costs me precious little.)

    Bring it on, RINOs!

  12. ArtGallagher said at 12:07 am on January 6th, 2011:

    @ Jim McMahon, new rule, if you would censor your own remarks if you were me, don’t post them.

    I’ve even you a wide birth and noticed every link you posted.

    Now, your comments go to through moderation. That means I have to waste my time reading your comments and deciding to post it or not.

  13. Mike Halfacre said at 2:50 pm on January 6th, 2011:

    I had heard that Jim McMahon was a little punch-drunk from his years in the NFL, but I didn’t realize it was this bad.