
Christie Comments about Mayors’ Response To The Storm

By Art Gallagher

Sorry loyal readers, I’ve been on New Jersey’s cleared roads most of today on business and haven’t had a chance to post.  However I did receive several emails requesting the video of Governor Christie’s comments about New Jersey’s Mayors’ response to the storm.  Several media outlets have reported that Christie deflected blame away from himself over the conditions of New Jersey’s roads a week ago. That’s not what he said.

Here without any filter except the bald guy who keeps getting in the way, here is what the Governor said:

Posted: January 3rd, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Chris Christie, NJ Media | Tags: , , | 5 Comments »

5 Comments on “Christie Comments about Mayors’ Response To The Storm”

  1. Barry Jacobson said at 8:45 am on January 4th, 2011:

    Strom as in Thurmond

  2. Rick Ambrosia said at 9:55 am on January 4th, 2011:

    Freudian slip…

  3. ArtGallagher said at 9:56 am on January 4th, 2011:

    Thanks Barry

  4. Justified Right said at 10:43 am on January 4th, 2011:

    Art when you are explaining, you’re losing.

    I’m a Christie fan as much as anyone, but he gets a minus 1 here, like it or not.

    As for your post below about how Monmouth looked a week after the storm, know that 9 days after the storm my kids had a delayed school opening because of the roads.

    9 DAYS!!!

    Christie needs to be more careful next time. There is a weird anomoly in American politics – no matter what an administration’s achievments are, they can be ruined if the snow shoveling is inadequate.

    An entire administartion in Chicago was brought down over a snow storm.

    I know how silly it all sounds, but it is an American reality.

    After a storm people will scream at the government until the roads are clear, so the only good response by government is to clear the roads.

  5. Do The Governor & Jerry… | neptunematters said at 11:34 am on January 4th, 2011:

    […] WATCH THE VIDEO […]