

(HIGHLANDS, October 19) – Republican Congressional challenger Anna Little – responding to news reports indicating that Boeing has joined a growing list of major American corporations that have decided to curtail their employees’ health benefits in the wake of the government takeover of healthcare – today reiterated her determination to repeal Obamacare when she gets to Congress in January.”We said from the beginning,” said Little, “that if this monstrosity passed, companies would be forced to make a hard choice between dropping coverage for their employees or raising their employees’ contributions to their benefits. Yesterday, Boeing announced that it is joining the long and growing list of companies that is already beginning to curtail benefits for its employees – in this case, for their 90,000 non-union employees.

“The government takeover of healthcare – ‘Pallonecare,’ in honor of his declaration that ‘This is not Obama’s bill. This isn’t Nancy Pelosi’s bill. It’s MY bill’ – was wrong on several fronts. It is bad medicine, and it is bad for business. And I cannot for the life of me understand why our Representative would think it was a good thing to raise the cost of doing business at a time when we’re trying to dig our way out of a jobless recovery.

“Washington just doesn’t get it,” continued Little. “Rather than take the right kind of actions – like voting to extend ALL the current tax rates for EVERY federal taxpayer, so that the entrepreneurs and job-creators in our economy know what will be the tax rates they face next year, and can make investment decisions accordingly – our leaders focus on growing the size of government and the reach of government, pushing it into areas it has no business being.

“Repealing Pallonecare will be the first step to restoring our nation’s economic growth,” said Little. “And the second step will be to extend the current tax rates for ALL of America’s taxpayers, so that NO ONE faces a tax hike in the middle of a jobless recovery.

“Remember, you cannot change Washington without changing the people we send to Washington!”

Posted: October 19th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Anna Little, Frank Pallone, Health Care, Press Release | Tags: , , , | 5 Comments »


  1. Rick Ambrosia said at 12:16 pm on October 19th, 2010:

    So, she’s a typical republican. All about business and the real people be damned. This means she is condemning people with pre-existing conditions to death since if she’s successful in repealing this bill, they will have no recourse for insurance. Why isn’t that shouted from the rooftops? If you have cancer, and you can’t get insurance…ANNA LITTLE WANTS YOU TO DIE SO THAT BOEING CAN MAKE MORE PROFIT!!

  2. Henry V Vaccaro said at 3:55 pm on October 19th, 2010:

    Hey Rick ,Why don’t you check Anna’s solution to Obama-care before you condemn her.She supports tort reform, and allowing Ins Co’s to sell across state lines . She has not taken millions from lawyers like Pallone . And Would Not Sell Her Vote Like Pallone Did So His Wife Could Get A Cozy Job With EPA at $ 144,455,00 Per Year.P S If Obamacare is so good why doesn’t Pallone have It.

  3. MLaffey said at 4:52 pm on October 19th, 2010:

    As reported in the Wall Street Journal last week many insurance companies are dropping Child policies from their portfolio because of this Mandate. I guess Ambrosia is against insurance for children.

    The point is when the government intervenes in the Market to help one person it hurts someone else. More mandates will mean some people wiii have pre-existing conditions covered while less people will be able to afford any insurance. It is a question of whose 0x is going to be gored.

    Lets face reality. Insurance is not to help people. It is not a charity. It is a business selling a product to make money. The government has no more moral right to mandate this then they have to mandate that supermarkets give away food to people who can’t afford to buy it.

    Maybe the person with the pre-existing condition should resort to charity care. Maybe there should there be a special fund for uninsurable people. All I know for sure is that government mandates are the worst solution to the problem

  4. Rick Ambrosia said at 6:59 pm on October 19th, 2010:

    “Maybe the person with the pre-existing condition should resort to charity care”…Gee…I knew this sounded familiar!

    From ” A Christmas Carol”…

    2nd Portly Gentleman: What may we put you down for, sir?
    Scrooge: Nothing, sir.
    1st Portly Gentleman: Ah, you wish to remain anonymous.
    Scrooge: I wish to be left alone, sir! That is what I wish! I don’t make myself merry at Christmas and I cannot afford to make idle people merry. I have been forced to support the establishments I have mentioned through taxation and God knows they cost more than they’re worth. Those who are badly off must go there.
    2nd Portly Gentleman: Many would rather die than go there.
    Scrooge: If they’d rather die, then they had better do it and decrease the surplus population. Good night, gentlemen.
    [walks away, then turns back]

  5. Mlaffey said at 9:58 am on October 20th, 2010:

    Of course you ignore my second solution and the effect mandates have on the ability of other people to get any insurance.
