Anna Little On The Issues
While this video may be long for some, Millennium Radio’s Janet Fried did a great job asking Anna Little about the issues concerning the voters of New Jersey’s 6th congressional district. As is always the case, Little answered forthrightly and with a smile.
Bookmark this video to show to your friends and family who have questions about Little’s positions and the misinformation that Phoney Palloney is disseminating about Little, especially with regard to the environment.
but, hey, Art, a question for us all to ponder, if anyone else has noticed:.. glad our Gov. is out all over the country, stumping for candidiates for Congress, Gov., and Senate, as he keeps protesting that he doesn’t want to run for Pres. in 2012,, but, hey, we have 13 Congressional districts, and 21 counties in THIS state, which could keep him very busy for the next 25 days, if he’d spend time HERE, building OUR base, and trying to get MORE Republicans into our Congressional delegation and on our Freeholder Boards!!!..