What The Mainstream Media Won’t Tell You About The “One Nation Working Together Rally” Last Weekend
15 more photos you won’t see in the mainstream media can be found at BeforeItsNews.com
15 more photos you won’t see in the mainstream media can be found at BeforeItsNews.com
Look at the pictures… says it all. They care so much about the planet why leave such a mess behind.
One thing everyone commented about the beck rally was that the parks were clean after the event.
Conservatives pickup after themselves. They are responsible.
Progressives expect everyone else to take care of them. They expect that their trash will be taken care of someone else. And they are environmentalists.
I want to know if the union people were paid to be there… and who payed for the buses.
CNN actually showed the beck rally and said it was the 10/2 event (you could see the yellow flags) They said there were as many people as the beck rally. What a joke.
Was Obama there? I would have expected him to show up to provide words of encouragement that, indeed, the Revolution is possible – and is underway! These are his people:-)
This so called rally was nothing more than a last ditch liberal attempt to up stage Beck. The difference was that Unions intimidated their members into going,even providing buses , food and lodging from as far away as Detroit.They left the place looking like a pig sty. We will show them what a rally looks like on November 2nd.
But Republicans and Tea Party people are the extremists. Now we have proof of who the real extremists are.
Oh yeah and one racist yahoo shows up at a local tea party event and it becomes national news.
The other side has a rally dominated by Socialists and Communists and nary a mention of it is made in the press
We have condemed racists and Nazis who try to insinuate themselves into the conservative movement where are the likes of Ambrosiac and the other “progressive” commentators on this blog when the Commies show up at their rallies?